
The Daily Salt Shaker: Survivalist Movement Reviving

As reader Finnegan mentioned in the comments last week, citing the 1970's, with dire economic times comes an increase in the "survivalist" movement. With that comes a report that it is becoming popular again. Thought …


Survival Acres Blog

That needed be said, but I'd like to get at something at the heart of survivalism and today's survivalist movement. There is a dark side to “survivalism” that nobody ever talks about. I've never seen it in print. I've never seen …


Proposed Army Manual – Radical Survivalism Webzine

The draft of the newest Army handbook seems to suggest that ignorance of Afghan culture is to blame for deadly attacks by Afghan soldiers against the coalition forces, according to The Wall Street Journal, which got a peek at …


Survivalist Gift Guide | SHTF School

This Survivalist Gift Guide has some gifts for new preppers or non survivalists as well. Giving non survivalists box of lighters for Christmas might be a bit awkward so book is obviously better choice. We tried to balance what is …


Survivalists versus Preppers: Round 1 |

This blog post is a light-hearted comparison between preppers and survivalists. Now I know that the distinction is more of a gradual continuum of approaches to prepping, rather than a hard and fast division, but there is still a …


Meal's ready to eat, and thoughts on survivalism.

Fema MRE food kit. In my mother's house in Breezy Point, we thought we were pretty prepared for disaster. First aid kits, bottled water, canned food, camping gear, even desalinators, all part of our disaster survival kit. And then …


Urban EDC Backpack (Part 2) | EDC Gear Blog

It is hard to find a good URBAN EDC backpack video. With that being said we found an awesome video by “The Urban Prepper“. He does a great job explaining his gear and also has a Downloadable PDF that you can …


What is an EDC machine? | Its All About Money

The usage of debit/credit cards have permeated into all aspects of our lives. Hence, we must know what an EDC machine is and what it does for us. We often make payments through credit/debit cards at retail outlets unknown …


Urban Altoids Survival Tin – EDC | Survival Gear

I'd probably be a goner (although I do have enough wilderness survival equipment in my EDC backpack). However, for my day to day life in the city, this EDC Altoids Tin gets used often enough to be carried daily. If I ever …