
Prepping to Survive: Should You Have a Survival Retreat?

This question often haunts me. If you're like me, you live close enough to the city that staying put might be risky. Staying home has a ton of benefits if you can manage the risks. The thought of quickly grabbing my stored food …


Living Off the Grid – Solar Panels For Your Home

In this modern era, locating real estate suitable for living off the grid is not at all difficult, courtesy the presence of Internet that is having things like Google Maps, etc. In fact, people would be able to identify numerous properties, out of which they …


Off grid homes | Living Off the Grid: Free Yourself

Im in the UK and I want to live off grid to escape from this crazy existance of always just paying out and having not alot of money or energy left to do anything….If anyone is reading this and knows of any land or woods that we …


Survival Retreats | Emergency Preparedness

Most books and web sites by survivalists and preppers place a great deal of importance on survival retreats. When a disaster is around the corner, you pack up your 'get out of dodge' vehicle and head to your retreat. Then …


Deeper U.K Cuts Will Spark Civil Unrest | ZenHaven

Alarming predictions of social unrest and the break-up of civil society have been delivered by the leaders of three of England's biggest cities, amid new evidence that government policies are widening – rather than narrowing …


Civil Unrest – Right Wing Watch

Erik Rush of WorldNetDaily was so confident of a Romney victory that he even urged ascendant conservatives to prosecute liberals and journalists for treason. But now that Obama has been re-elected, he is warning readers …


Dogs and kids… | Living Off the Grid: Free Yourself

BOOKS: The off-grid community and the battle to live their way. Off The Grid in America (Penguin, 2010) · How to Live Off-Grid UK (Bantam, 2008) · About Off-Grid · Off-Grid 101 · Landbuddy Interactive Map · Archives · Forum …


Government Dependency Will End in Chaos by Ron Paul

If one includes not just people on food stamps and welfare, but also seniors on Medicare, Social Security and people employed by the government directly, the number is more like 165 million out of 308 million, which is 53{660353129f8d892044c993645a1c75194301fec6786a7f617c15adde0b0011e9}.


Social Chaos: Scene Out « Anthology Press

BY KIM RESCATE AND ANA PINES Arts San Diego 2012 was held last weekend at Balboa Park's activity center, a building virtually unknown to many except for volleyball, ping pong and badminton players.