
What about the doomsday preppers? – Cosmic Log

This morning's report on TODAY recaps the no-show for the apocalypse, and the segment raises an interesting question: What about all those folks who were preparing for the sort of doomsday portrayed in the movie "2012"?


GIVEAWAY: Big Berkey Water Purifier | Food Renegade

Clean, pure water shouldn't be so hard to come by. Year after year, we get new government funded studies demonstrating just how poisonous our nation's tap water is. Lead. Arsenic. Drugs. Pesticides. Fluoride. Chlorine and …


Water purification with Panasonic Blue water purifier

However, human minds are creative and innovative and have succeeded in coming up with solutions to counter this problem through water purifiers, and Panasonic has taken the lead in this field, coming up with water purifiers that use …


“100 Days of Prepping”–Launched! |

The launch of our new series, “100 Days of Prepping” is finally here!! What is it, you ask? Well sit down a moment and I'll share all of the exciting details with you!! Last year at this time, I came up with a whole bunch of …


Foley Prepping For Ground Hog Day | Capitol Watch

During the taping of Dennis House's Face The State Thursday evening, former ambassador and businessman Tom Foley sounded as if he had not missed a beat since his razor-thin loss to Dannel Malloy in 201o. ground hog …


Apocalypse Ready! Siberian company begins selling End-Of-The …

It might not keep you alive for long, but a Siberian firm is offering survival kits to anyone who fears the end of the world is nigh. And for everyone else, it makes for a fun stocking-filler come Christmas – provided the world hasn't …


Difference between Alkaline Water Purifier and UV Water Purifier

Water purifiers are an essential part of our households as they play a pivotal part in providing pure water. The two basic types are alkaline water purifier and UV water purifier, both offered by Panasonic. In general, alkaline water purifiers are …