
Proposed Army Manual – Radical Survivalism Webzine

The draft of the newest Army handbook seems to suggest that ignorance of Afghan culture is to blame for deadly attacks by Afghan soldiers against the coalition forces, according to The Wall Street Journal, which got a peek at …


Survivalism | The Daily Omnivore

Kurt Saxon is one proponent of this approach to armed survivalism. Saxon's writings on survival tend toward Social Darwinism and Eugenics. According to Saxon, survivalism is: 'Looking out for #1? and being sufficiently …


North Korea EMP Attack Could Destroy U.S. Now | Radical …

Radical Survivalism Webzine is your homeland secure source for disaster preparedness. … It has also already miniaturized nuclear weapons for ballistic missile delivery and has armed missiles with nuclear warheads. In 2011, the director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, Lt. General Ronald Burgess, testified to the Senate Armed Services Committee that North Korea has weaponized its nuclear devices into warheads for ballistic missiles. North Korea has labored …


Preppers Under Attack, Part 2 | Survival And Prosperity

Since I completed the first draft of this post, I've come across two more web articles that don't paint the modern survivalist movement in a positive light. In fact, some might argue they're attempting to connect prepping with the …


The Daily Salt Shaker: Survivalist Movement Reviving

As reader Finnegan mentioned in the comments last week, citing the 1970's, with dire economic times comes an increase in the "survivalist" movement. With that comes a report that it is becoming popular again. Thought …


Meal's ready to eat, and thoughts on survivalism.

Fema MRE food kit. In my mother's house in Breezy Point, we thought we were pretty prepared for disaster. First aid kits, bottled water, canned food, camping gear, even desalinators, all part of our disaster survival kit. And then …


Survivalist Gift Guide | SHTF School

This Survivalist Gift Guide has some gifts for new preppers or non survivalists as well. Giving non survivalists box of lighters for Christmas might be a bit awkward so book is obviously better choice. We tried to balance what is …


Survivalists versus Preppers: Round 1 |

This blog post is a light-hearted comparison between preppers and survivalists. Now I know that the distinction is more of a gradual continuum of approaches to prepping, rather than a hard and fast division, but there is still a …