
Fuel Shortage Hits Tamale | Daily Guide Newspaper

Commercial drivers in Tamale and its environs have been thrown out of business following the shortage of fuel at the various stations in the area. A visit by DAILY GUIDE to the Central Taxi Rank revealed dozens of taxi cabs …


Pressure Canning Soup / January 19

Fairview Gardens is offering a canning class on homemade soup making. You will be making a vegetable soup with fresh veggies from the farm. This will be an introduction to canning for some and for others who have taken …


Neo-Survivalism –

Among the Top Trends we had forecast for 2010 was “Neo-Survivalism.” With so many once-dependable “Systems” taking a battering and breaking down and with the certainty that there will never be a return to “normal” we foresaw the need …


Patch Herb Planters

Grow your own food with a simple system designed for urban dwellers. … By offering simple solutions like the Patch herb planter, Houston hopes to empower city dwellers to reap the rewards of growing their own food.


What is a Supervolcano? – Mental Floss

In Yellowstone, the rim of a supervolcano caldera is visible in the distance. Photo courtesy of the National Park Service. In 2012, director Roland Emmerich's love letter to the Mayan apocalypse (oh hey, wasn't that supposed …


Apocalypse Ready! Siberian company begins selling End-Of-The …

It might not keep you alive for long, but a Siberian firm is offering survival kits to anyone who fears the end of the world is nigh. And for everyone else, it makes for a fun stocking-filler come Christmas – provided the world hasn't …