news Libertarianism

Looking for 1 acre for Off-Grid

Hello, in my mid-50s, seeking 1 acre of land to build off-grid – a house, a greenhouse, some pasture chicken. Spent my life traveling. Lived in Asia, Europe…Am now seeking a peaceful, low-key existence with only minimal contact with the world beyond my 1 acre. Not weird or anything, but I figure building a house, a greenhouse, and venturing into raising chicken and gardening would leave little time for socializing. So if you have 1 acre to sell where there is no CC&R’s or HOA and I can build as I wish- a geodesic dome or Cobhouse or just put an RV on it, would love to hear …

news Libertarianism

One More Radiator

I had an “encounter” about 3 years ago with an elk cow while driving my truck at about 50mph. Fortunately the damage was not severe and I was able to drive home. It did rearrange some of the front end of my truck, my air conditioner condenser was ruined and it pushed my radiator about 4 inches back toward the engine. My original radiator wasn’t damaged to the point where it wouldn’t work, PB did

news Libertarianism

Be Advised

If there is stuff on this blog that you wish to have access to in the future best save it. Let’s say you have till this Friday.

news Libertarianism

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news Libertarianism

Some Very Good News … 100 {660353129f8d892044c993645a1c75194301fec6786a7f617c15adde0b0011e9} Solar in 14 years

Futurist Ray Kurzweil notes that solar power has been doubling every two years for the past 30 years — as costs have been dropping. He says solar energy is only six doublings — or less than 14 years — away from meeting 100 percent of today’s energy needs.Energy usage will keep increasing, so this is a moving target……But, by Kurzweil’s estimates, inexpensive renewable sources will provide more energy than the world needs in less than 20 years. Even then, we will be using only one part in 10,000 of the sunlight that falls on the Earth…..

news Libertarianism

Liberty, Equality, Siblingatry!

Even back in the Sixties, when I was a young punk, I noticed that all the local Marxists carried briefcases instead of lunchboxes. The theory that communist revolution would spring from the working classes didn’t pan out at all. On the contrary, it sprang almost exclusively from the nonworking classes, mainly from the elite academic world, with the shock troops recruited from the student body and the welfare recipient bloc.Now, of course, we’re further than ever from that working class idea. The American working class is mostly pretty anti-Marxist and for a long time now has been voting for the Wallaces and Nixons and Reagans, with occasional surges back to the Democrats when they manage to look conservative for a few weeks leading up to…

news Libertarianism

Updates and random pictures…

This week has been a very light week, my work partner and I got all of our work done on Monday, for the entire week! So this week has been almost a vacation… A couple of weeks ago, PB’s brother and friend came in for a visit, a bit of a surprise visit, that’s fine though, they are fairly low maintenance guests and they helped PB around the sky castle, they even got in on some bridge building.

news Libertarianism

Rationalism and Hayek in Conflict: Feminist Theory

What should rationalist and Hayekian libertarians think of feminism—specifically, of the desire of feminists to replace certain existing beliefs and practices they believe are morally bad with novel beliefs and practices that are better? Today, I’ll talk about what feminism is and what it says is wrong with society. Building on the last few columns, I’ll also discuss the Hayekian challenge to feminism’s critique of society’s norms and customs. Next week, I’ll talk about how a feminist might go about trying to change things in a way that’s informed by Hayek’s insights.Sometimes you hear people say feminism just means believing in equality between men and women. That’s a poor definition. Lots of people believe in gender equality of some form …

news Libertarianism

Assault Packs, Rucks and Sustainment Loads Revisited

I tend to break down these different loads into the fairly well recognized 3 tired system (level 1 survival, level 2 fighting and level 3 sustainment). The primary reason I do this is that due to a lack of common vocabulary different names such as get home bag, assault pack, bug out bag, etc all mean drastically different things to different people. The end result is that unless a common terminology is established we are talking apples, oranges and potatoes instead of apples and apples.The day pack/ assault pack arena really muddles the waters. Personally I bend convention and call them level 2.5 because they do not cleanly fit in either …

news Libertarianism

The Origami Kayak. Your Kayak 2Go …. $750

THE ORU KAYAK The Oru Kayak is an incredible, high-performance boat that folds out of a compact case. Inspired by origami, this innovative kayak transform quickly, easily— and almost magically. Stash it in a trunk, check it on a plane, stow it aboard a sailboat, or hike it in to remote waters. It’s full size (12′ long), super light (25 lbs), and quick to assemble (5 min). On the water it’s fast, stable, and handles incredibly well. The Oru Kayak makes the wonder and discovery of the great outdoors accessible: easy foldability transforms boating from a special occasion to anytime, anywhere. HelpFund this Project on Kickstarter

news Libertarianism

Scratching That Itch

Have I told you? I have this itch, and sometimes it gets really bad, I’ve had it most of my life, at least as early as I can remember… sometimes it goes away for a while, but it always returns, and here lately it’s been pretty bad… What is this issue? Well, it’s art, I have really wanted to get back into drawing, a while back I purchased a big box of crayons, yes the ones that kids use 🙂 I have, in the past, used crayons to draw what would be considered “fine art”, ie it wasn’t kids stuff, and it has turned out pretty well if …

news Libertarianism

From Australia

Sorry, Mick — The knives are next.Received in e-mail:Here’s a thought to warm some of your hearts….From: Ed Chenel, A police officer in AustraliaHi Yanks, I thought you all would like to see the realfigures from Down Under.It has now been 12 months since gun owners in Australia were forced by a new law tosurrender 640,381 personal firearms to be destroyed by our owngovernment, a program costing Australia taxpayersmore than $500 million dollars.The first year results are now in:Australia-wide, homicides are up 6.2 percent,Australia-wide, assaults are up 9.6 percent;Australia-wide, armed robberies are up 44 percent…

news Libertarianism

Looking to buy land and live off the land

I am a single 34 year old male with no children looking to move off the grid very soon. I am looking to build a small solar cabin on some land less than $1000/acre to homestead on in a place that has less than 10 people per square mile (Alaska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Idaho, Utah etc.)I want to be somewhere close to the mountains. Trees are very important to me also. I have never lived off grid before and would like to live near other people who know how to live off the grid. I want to learn how to grow fruits and vegetables all year round using a solar greenhouse. It would also …

news Libertarianism

The Government Will Never End the Fed but the Fed is Destined to Die Anyway

Although the Republican controlled House of Representatives recently passed Audit the Fed, HR 459, Audit the Fed will never pass nor will the Fed ever be abolished legislatively. Republicans really do support the Federal Reserve because it funds their wars and empire. Furthermore, all the Republican YEA’s to Audit the Fed were nothing more than an act of political expediency because Republicans in Congress absolutely do understand that Audit the Fed stands no chance of ever getting out of the Senate where it only has 30 co-sponsors and could never survive a presidential veto.The Federal Reserve is the mother’s milk of empire, tyranny and statism. Big government and central banks exist for no purpose except…

news Libertarianism

The Success of America’s Public School System

George H. Smith was formerly Senior Research Fellow for the Institute for Humane Studies, a lecturer on American History for Cato Summer Seminars, and Executive Editor of Knowledge Products. Smith’s fourth book, Themes in the History of Classical Liberalism, is forthcoming from Cambridge University Press, and he is also a regular blogger and essayist at In this video from a 1985 Libertarian Party of California conference Smith lectures on the success of the public school system. He claims that state schooling is successful insofar as it accomplishes it’s true goal: not to educate children per se but to turn them into civic-minded, obedient citizens. Smith gives an overview of the history of state schooling, which stretches back as far as the 5th century B…

news Libertarianism

Book Review: Wars of National Liberation by Daniel Morgan

Commander Zero loaned me this book with the conditions that it is eventually returned and I share my thoughts on it. Figured a book review is as good of a way as any to share my thoughts. So here we go. Good: Comprehensive- This book talks about a whole lot of different conflicts. China, Algeria, French in Indochina, Jews vs the Arab world I, II, III, IV, Vietnam and touched on themes of African and South American conflicts. Well Researched- The guy definitely knew what he was talking about. The sheer amount of research put into this book is impressive. Brought home key themes- Successful insurgencies have safe havens behind…

news Libertarianism

Let it begin here

Easing into my 40s, I’m finally starting to understand the urgency of time, and the appeal of leaving a lasting legacy. What will I leave behind to my daughters, and my nieces and nephews? What can I do for my grandchildren before they’re even born, so that they have an opportunity for a life as

news Libertarianism

Scratching That Itch

Have I told you? I have this itch, and sometimes it gets really bad, I’ve had it most of my life, at least as early as I can remember… sometimes it goes away for a while, but it always returns, and here lately it’s been pretty bad… What is this issue? Well, it’s art, I have really wanted to get back into drawing, a while back I purchased a big box of crayons, yes the ones that kids use 🙂 I have, in the past, used crayons to draw what would be considered “fine art”, ie it wasn’t kids stuff, and it has turned out pretty well if I do say so myself. I would …

news Libertarianism

The Origami Kayak. Your Kayak 2Go …. $750

THE ORU KAYAK The Oru Kayak is an incredible, high-performance boat that folds out of a compact case. Inspired by origami, this innovative kayak transform quickly, easily— and almost magically. Stash it in a trunk, check it on a plane, stow it aboard a sailboat, or hike it in to remote waters. It’s full size (12′ long), super light (25 lbs), and quick to assemble (5 min). On the water it’s fast, stable, and handles incredibly well. The Oru Kayak makes the wonder and discovery of the great outdoors accessible: easy foldability transforms boating from a special occasion to anytime, anywhere. HelpFund this Project on Kickstarter

news Libertarianism

Western Culture Circles the Drain

Here’s a picture of Charlemagne, fighting Saracens. That’s what they did back in his day, instead of inviting them to move in and go on welfare and rape and murder. The reign of Charlemagne is frequently considered to be the beginning of Western Civilization, though some would argue that it goes back further. But it certainly had begun by his time, and just as certainly, it’s ending now. In order for a civilization to survive, it has to reproduce its numbers. It’s population has to be maintained. And not by alien immigrants, either. You can’t keep a herd of horses going by letting deer and jackrabbits join it. The horses have to make little horses. Whatever effectuates reproduction, then, …