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Modern Survival Blog Open Forum

Open Forum for the Modern Survival Blog community. Republished every Saturday morning when comments are trimmed back to the most recent. This Open Forum is […]

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How to Filet a Fish

Do you like fish?  We do.  We like fishing and eating what we catch.  Most times we are just fishing for lake or river […]

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Top Picks and Buying Guide

This site contains affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, I earn a commission from qualifying purchases at no extra cost to you. Full Disclosure Here. […]

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Tuna in Oil vs Water

Tuna in oil vs water. Is one better than the other? Especially in the context of preparedness and long term storage? What’s the difference between […]

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for Emergency or Every Day

Imagine with me that there’s an approaching disaster or maybe one has just struck and you rush to the store to buy necessities for […]

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Create your Child’s Emergency Backpack

This post is by Bernie Carr, An emergency can happen while your child is away at school, traveling with you on the way to a sports event or spending time with a relative who may not be as prepared as you’d like. Not too long ago, heavy flooding from a storm in Houston prevented parents from picking up their children. They were stuck at school as late as 11 pm. An emergency backpack would come in handy for such The post Create your Child’s Emergency Backpack appeared first on Apartment Prepper.

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Lesson to First Responders and Situational Awareness

Today I’ve got some great information to share with you regarding first aid training as a first responder–after all, we’re ALL first responders–and situational awareness.  For those of you who aren’t aware, typically the term “first responders” is referring to the rescue teams, EMTs or the firefighters or even law enforcement who arrive on the scene in which help is needed. Most…

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Kershaw 1990x Brawler Pocket Knife Review

I’ve been a fan of Kershaw knives for a while now and I’ve owned quite a few over the years. Probably what I appreciate most about Kershaw is that their knives are relatively inexpensive. Kershaw has probably made hundreds of knives over the years that are well under $50. I recently picked up a Kershaw Brawler and I’ve been putting it through the paces these past couple months. Got to say, for the small price tag this isn’t a bad pocket knife. That’s not to say it doesn’t have its flaws, because it does, but we’ll get into those in a bit more detail later on. For now though, here’s a quick rundown of what I like and don’t like about the Kershaw Brawler…