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VIDEO: Man Walks into Walmart – Never Walks Out – Because Cop Sneaks Up & Kills Him without Warning

Just a few weeks ago we reported on the unwarranted police killing of John Crawford III. Crawford was shot while casually strolling through a Walmart and holding an unpackaged Crossman .177 BB gun that he picked up off a shelf in the store. It was a tragic and unnecessary killing. But the details that have been uncovered since the incident are even more disturbing. Apparently, there are conflicting stories about what Crawford was doing in the Walmart while holding the toy gun. But first, it may be helpful to see what the surveillance video shows. As you can see, Crawford is calmly walking through the…

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Strengthening the Bonds With Family and Friends–Part 2

In part 1 of this series about strengthening the bonds of your family and friends and your community through fun activities, I shared one game with you along with laying out a case for being mindful of such preparations. Today I’m going to share two other activities with you that I’m SURE you’re going to love. This first game/activity didn’t actually come from my mom, rather I…

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We’ve Moved!

The Preparedness Pantry has a new home. Click here to see our fancy new digs. You’ll find old blog posts, as well as favorites like Emergency Essentials’ Prep School, recipes, and the Insight articles. You’ll also find lots of new content, so make sure to change your bookmark!We hope you like our new site as much as we do.The new Preparedness Pantry blog looks great! Come on over and check us out!

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Review: Your Family Survival Plan

If you remember, a few days ago, I wrote a review of Bulletproof Home Defense, which is about how-to defend your home and retreat, against looters, hungry mobs or other attackers. And since readers seemed to really appreciate and find that review helpful, I decided to write a short review of another similar program –  Your Family Survival Plan. This is another one of those products that we’ve all seen advertised on most of the prepper type blog via banner ads in the sidebars, and you probably, just skipped over it without even giving it a second thought. I’ve as guilty as you are for doing this, but recently, I’ve been …

news Prepping

Why Now Is the Time to Get Your Ham License

Most preppers get the idea that communication is an important capability to have during an emergency. Despite this understanding though, few preppers have a solid communication plan in place beyond a few two-way walkie-talkie devices and the false hope that their cellphone will still function. If that describes you (like it did me a few years ago), this article should hopefully open your eyes and inspire you to change that. The Dangers of a Communication Blackout are Very Real We take our ability to instantly communicate with others around the nation and the globe for granted. In reality though, the methods we depend on to communicate — internet and cellphone primarily — are extremely fragile. One common theme you…

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Fast Track Tip #11: Be Informed With NOAA Weather Radio

Severe weather occurs far more frequently than most folks realize.  As a matter of fact, it is a severe weather event that prompts many folks to begin their preparedness journey. In the United States, the five most dangerous weather events are tornadoes, hurricanes, lightning, floods and winter storms.  Each of these weather events can leave you without power, and without access to food, clean water and supplies to make it through the days and sometimes weeks until things return to normal. Although nothing can be done to stop the force of nature, you can stay informed and in touch with current weather conditions.  Today Backdoor Survival Contributing Author Rob Hanus is back with us to  …

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Food Storage and Survival Radio Episode 74: Roundup of Audience Questions and Tips

Episode 74: Roundup of Audience Questions and Tips Listen here! Today, you picked the show topic! I answer some of the questions I have received lately plus share some fantastic tips from some of my blog readers! Everything from canning meat to storing dehydrated food to what to do with those empty #10 cans. Mentioned in the show: Canning chicken or pork Dehydrating frozen vegetables Fresnel lens 101 Uses for Empty #10 Cans Keep preparing! Angela *************************************************************** Subscribe to my email newsletter for updates and special deals. Please be sure to follow Food Storage and Survival on Facebook which is updated every time there is a new article. You can also find me on Pinterest, and purchase my book, Food Storage for Self Sufficiency and Survival on…

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4 Ways to Waterproof Your Phone

Summer may be a quickly fading memory, but that doesn’t mean that your brand new iPhone is safe from a life-threatening water encounter. From bath time with small children to beer pong at the hottest weekend party, the danger of submersion is everywhere. Not only are phones a convenient distraction from the humdrum of the 8 to 5 workday, but they also act as a memory keeper, camera, personal assistant, notepad, calendar and connection to the social scene. It also can be a life saver in an emergency. When it’s pouring rain and you have just blown a tire, for instance, you don’t want to worry about your phone falling into a puddle …

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Archive: Forget Doom and Gloom: Preparedness is the Ultimate Act of Optimism

Note from Daisy:  With all of the hullabaloo about Ebola lately, it seems like a good time to remind ourselves of why we prepare. We don’t do it out of fear. We do it because we like the peace of mind it brings.  When we are ready for anything from a job loss to a power outage to an outright apocalypse, we know that we can handle whatever life sends our way. A preparedness lifestyle is a constant affirmation that we will persevere. Does this sound familiar? You’re talking to a friend or family member who isn’t on board with preparedness.  (And it’s even worse…

news Prepping

How to Survive a Gut Infection Without Medical Assistance

After a disaster, such as we saw with Hurricane Sandy, one of the number one threats to survival is infection. Especially a gut infection. The most common way survivors become infected with deadly intestinal bacteria is by drinking non-potable water. Gaining access to clean water after a disaster is rarely as simple as turning on your kitchen faucet. First of all, you may might not even have a kitchen left. Secondly, even if water is coming out of the tap, it could easily be contaminated by a sewage leaking. In most cases, however, city water will not be available at all. If the electrical grid is down that often means water pumps and filtration plants are offline. Turning to your local …

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Monday Musings 1/7/2013 Blog Plans and Projects Edition

Welcome to the first Monday Musings of 2013, where we cover blog updates, and other interesting links I happen to find.  First, the blog updates. More giveaways planned this year.  We held a few giveaways last year that turned out  well, so this year I hope to do at least one giveaway a month.  I already have one for this week, so come back and check it out later today. Are you receiving blog email updates?  If you subscribed to receive emails of new articles, please let me know if you are receiving anything at all – a couple of readers mentioned it is not working properly.  I have been trying to find out what is causing this but have …

news Prepping

Looking For Nuclear Radiation Over Washington DC?

A press release designed to inform residents of Washington, D.C. reads, “The National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) will be flying a helicopter over portions of Washington, D.C., between Dec. 27, 2012, and Jan. 11, 2013. The radiation assessment will cover approximately 70 square miles and NNSA will complete the assessment using a helicopter equipped with remote gamma radiation sensing technology.” “The helicopter will fly in a grid pattern over the areas, 150 feet or higher above the ground surface, at a speed of approximately 80 miles per hour. Flyovers will occur only during daylight hours and it is estimated to take about two weeks to complete the assessment.” Part of the…

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The Progressive Preparedness Journey Part 2 of 2

By Kellene Bishop ; “Everyday Preparedness”: ; When my husband and I married, we both already had well-stocked homes in terms of tangible things. So when we received cash or checks as wedding gifts, we chose to use that money to create a fully stocked pantry including long-term food items such as whole grains, honey,

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Happy New Year!

Everyone here at Emergency Essentials wishes you a happy, safe, and healthy 2013!

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Slow sand water filter system

This guest post by Thomas T. Tinker and entry in our non-fiction writing contest. Just stirring the pot of ideas for the pack at large and those that have simply missed the possibilities. Thomas T. Tinker While in a third world country with light arms and air support, I first noticed this style.. type.. of water ‘filter’ systems. Clay boxes and cement pipes, used drums and barrels, pots and 5 gallon buckets. Each had some form of cobbled up hose or pipe out of the top or the side. I got mine out of a ‘Buffalo’ or a 2 liter bottle and I never enjoyed the effects of the third worlds revenge. Now …

news Prepping

Free Download: LDS Preparedness Manual (version 8) has recently released its latest version of their fantastic book “The LDS Preparedness Manual” (now in it’s 8th version!). Quite simply, it’s a collection of fantastic preparedness related articles covering most prepping subjects such as: food storage communication emergency evacuation heating, cooking, and lighting clothing and shelter defense and much more… I figured I’d send this link out as a belated Christmas present for you guys. It’s a fantastic read and highly recommended! You can download it for free here: LDS Preparedness Manual v.8 UPDATE: Try the above link first, but if it’s not working for you, you can download

news Prepping

Sweet Green Pickle Recipe

Sweet Green Pickle Print Prepare and chop all the veg into fairly small dice. Break the cauliflower into small florets. Put all veg into a large bowl, sprinkle with salt and cover with water. Put a plate in to weigh it down and leave overnight. Next day drain the brine and put the veg in a pan with 300 ml (10 fl. oz) of the vinegar. Add 250 ml (8 fl.oz) water and bring to the boil. Drain immediately and do not allow the veg to cook. Put the remaining vinegar in another pan, add the spices and the flour mixed with a bit of vinegar so it is a paste. Warm the pan and add the sugar and stir over a low …

news Prepping

Review: Red Cross Blackout Buddy Flashlight

Quick.  The lights just went out–where is your nearest flashlight?  Can you find it in the dark?  And does it have fresh batteries so it will actually work when you need it?  Well, if you’re at my house with kids, I know where the flashlights are supposed to be and sometimes they are actually there and most times the ones that are where they belong will light up at least for a little while.  But not always. So when I read about the Red Cross Blackout Buddy, I thought I better get one and test it out.  Here’s how they work.  The flashlight plugs in to a wall plug and you LEAVE IT…

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The Sunday Survival Buzz – Volume 46

Welcome to this week’s Sunday Survival Buzz – a roundup of preparedness news, tips, articles and recommendations from around the web. But first, an update on my own preps. We were recently given a friend’s discarded shelving so we cut the shelves down and re-purposed them for one of our food storage closets. As I may have mentioned,  I am using my freeze-dried and dehydrated foods more and more in day-to-day cooking.  The cost in some cases is more than the same product purchased fresh but there is no waste and if I can save a 20 mile round trip to town, then I am actually saving money. On the shelves below you will see a number of #10 cans, plus my Food …

news Prepping

Whats in my Backpack?

Whats in my backpack? Whats in here? (photo credit:// Being prepared doesn’t always have to apply to natural or man-made disasters.  Being prepared should be a way of life no matter what you do.  If you are a hiker, hunter, fisherman, camper, etc.  You should always have a bag of goodies in your backpack or other pack, just in case things don’t go as planned.  Each activity is different, but I will share what I carry in my backpack and who knows, it could get you out of a sticky situation in the Great Outdoors someday. My…

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Stockpile Challenge – Update #2

One week into the Stockpile Challenge,  we are now out of most of those items we all pick up fresh at the store each week.  I purposely did not go out and stock up on a huge amount of fresh produce and cheese because I wanted the challenge to be more akin to a sudden change in circumstances.  I still have some fresh carrots and potatoes, but that’s it for fresh vegetables.  I’m down to the last 2 apples also, then it’s on to canned and frozen for our produce.  I am moving on to the milk that I store in the…

news Prepping

How to Survive a Gut Infection Without Medical Assistance

After a disaster, such as we saw with Hurricane Sandy, one of the number one threats to survival is infection. Especially a gut infection. The most common way survivors become infected with deadly intestinal bacteria is by drinking non-potable water. Gaining access to clean water after a disaster is rarely as simple as turning on your kitchen faucet. First of all, you may might not even have a kitchen left. Secondly, even if water is coming out of the tap, it could easily be contaminated by a sewage leaking. In most cases, however, city water will not be available at all. If the electrical grid is down that often means water pumps and filtration plants are offline. Turning to your local creek isn’t a…

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Guest Post: Homemade MREs

Editor’s note:  Today we are happy to feature a guest blog post from From Julie Languille, Author of The Prepper’s Pantry and the soon to be released Meals in a Jar: Quick and Easy, Just-Add-Water, Homemade Recipes Thanks, Apartment Prepper, for inviting me to write a guest post about Homemade MREs. I am passionate about food storage and my first book, The Prepper’s Pantry  is all about setting up food storage with both a deep larder of long term storage foods, and also a rotation pantry filled with canned goods and home pressure-canned meats and chicken. I love the idea of having plenty of dehydrated and freeze dried…

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Choosing a Hand Grain Mill

How do I choose which hand grain mill to buy? There are quite a range of prices for various hand grain mills, and it may seem difficult to decide which one to choose, but you can narrow your choice by considering two basic questions… 1. Do you intend to grind/mill into flour for breads (versus only for courser grinds) 2. Do you intend to use it frequently. If you will be milling wheat to make flour for bread, you will want to be sure that the mill will grind the wheat berries into fine enough flour. Many cheaper models apparently do not, although many claim…

news Prepping

Sweet Green Pickle Recipe

Sweet Green Pickle Print Prepare and chop all the veg into fairly small dice. Break the cauliflower into small florets. Put all veg into a large bowl, sprinkle with salt and cover with water. Put a plate in to weigh it down and leave overnight. Next day drain the brine and put the veg in a pan with 300 ml (10 fl. oz) of the vinegar. Add 250 ml (8 fl.oz) water and bring to the boil. Drain immediately and do not allow the veg to cook. Put the remaining vinegar in another pan, add the spices and the flour mixed with a bit of vinegar so it is a …