news Prepping

What did YOU do to prep this week?

Good morning Wolf Pack – I hope that you’re all doing well today. Before we get started this morning I would like to take a moment to thank Bonnie N, Millie W and Harold D for their generous donations and support this week. Thank you. If you want to also help out by making a small donation (average donation is $20) click this link. Thank you. Okay, let me see – what did I do to prep this week? I ordered two DVD’s “Why Gold and Silver?” and “The Money Masters” I also ordered two books the “Whole Larder Love: Grow Gather Hunt Cook” and “The Second Amendment&#…

news Prepping

Happy New Year!

Everyone here at Emergency Essentials wishes you a happy, safe, and healthy 2013!

news Prepping

The Sunday Survival Buzz – Volume 46

Welcome to this week’s Sunday Survival Buzz – a roundup of preparedness news, tips, articles and recommendations from around the web. But first, an update on my own preps. We were recently given a friend’s discarded shelving so we cut the shelves down and re-purposed them for one of our food storage closets. As I may have mentioned,  I am using my freeze-dried and dehydrated foods more and more in day-to-day cooking.  The cost in some cases is more than the same product purchased fresh but there is no waste and if I can save a 20 mile round trip to town, then I am…

news Prepping

Review: Red Cross Blackout Buddy Flashlight

Quick.  The lights just went out–where is your nearest flashlight?  Can you find it in the dark?  And does it have fresh batteries so it will actually work when you need it?  Well, if you’re at my house with kids, I know where the flashlights are supposed to be and sometimes they are actually there and most times the ones that are where they belong will light up at least for a little while.  But not always. So when I read about the Red Cross Blackout Buddy, I thought I better get one and test it out.  Here’s how they work.  The flashlight plugs in to a wall plug and you LEAVE IT THERE.  You don’t need to take it out …

news Prepping

Free Download: LDS Preparedness Manual (version 8) has recently released its latest version of their fantastic book “The LDS Preparedness Manual” (now in it’s 8th version!). Quite simply, it’s a collection of fantastic preparedness related articles covering most prepping subjects such as: food storage communication emergency evacuation heating, cooking, and lighting clothing and shelter defense and much more… I figured I’d send this link out as a belated Christmas present for you guys. It’s a fantastic read and highly recommended! You can download it for free here: LDS Preparedness Manual v.8 UPDATE: Try the above link first, but if it’s not working for you, you can download it here as well: LDS Preparedness Manual (From TI

news Prepping

Whats in my Backpack?

Whats in my backpack? Whats in here? (photo credit:// Being prepared doesn’t always have to apply to natural or man-made disasters.  Being prepared should be a way of life no matter what you do.  If you are a hiker, hunter, fisherman, camper, etc.  You should always have a bag of goodies in your backpack or other pack, just in case things don’t go as planned.  Each activity is different, but I will share what I carry in my backpack and who knows, it could get you out of a sticky situation in the Great Outdoors someday. My bag of goodies was developed from a list called the Ten Essentials,  originally…

news Prepping

The Toxic Agenda

There is a very good reason that I promote organic food storage – the food supply of the Western world is irrevocably tainted. One day your food storage might be all that keeps you out of the bread lines (best case scenario) or from starvation (worst case scenario).  If you store up boxes of Chef Boyardee and HFCS-sweetened garbage containing GMO corn, you won’t die as quickly as those who are starving to death – instead you will poison your family slowly. GMOs actually alter our DNA.  Excitotoxins kill our brain cells.  Fluoride is a brain suppressant.  Additives make us fat. The list of hazards could fill pages and pages of literature. David Icke outlines the toxins in our food supply in this must-watch…

news Prepping

How to Survive a Gut Infection Without Medical Assistance

After a disaster, such as we saw with Hurricane Sandy, one of the number one threats to survival is infection. Especially a gut infection. The most common way survivors become infected with deadly intestinal bacteria is by drinking non-potable water. Gaining access to clean water after a disaster is rarely as simple as turning on your kitchen faucet. First of all, you may might not even have a kitchen left. Secondly, even if water is coming out of the tap, it could easily be contaminated by a sewage leaking. In most cases, however, city water will not be available at all. If the electrical grid is down that often …

news Prepping

Can You Really Live Off Beans in a Survival Situation?

A classic survival item preppers like to stockpile are legumes (especially beans). Inexpensive, nourishing, and easy to store. But are beans easy to cook? How about easy to digest? “I’d rather be shot than live off beans,” says John C. A. Manley, a prepper I interviewed in last month’s Survival Joe Mastermind Club meeting. “I love the taste of beans. They fill me up. But boy are most beans both hard to cook and even harder digest.” If you’re stocking your pantry full of dried kidney beans, you may want to test them out first. As Manley pointed out in our interview, beans often require soaking overnight. And then you still need to slow cook them for…

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What Another 4 Years of Obama Means

Note: Before you read this, I want you to know that I did not vote for Obama or Romney. This is not a partisan message, only observations about what has happened and speculation about what might happen in the months ahead. The day after Obama was reelected, the stock market fell 313 points. The second day after, the market fell 121 points. That’s a 434-point drop in two-days’ time. And it reflects the market’s anticipation that things are going to get worse during Obama’s second term. During a president’s second term, he can pursue whatever policies he wants because he no longer fears losing reelection. So during Obama’s second term, we ought to expect…

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Beware of “Dirty” Power

Hurricane Sandy really did a number on the East Coast. I’ve been reading firsthand reports as I find them or as they are sent to me. Bob Bly sent me one that I thought was especially interesting. He sent this update yesterday, November 5, 2012. For background, Bob is a freelance copywriter like me. He lives in New Jersey. After Sandy hit, he was without electricity for a full week. Here’s how he handled it, mistakes he made, and some advice for you if you ever find yourself in a similar situation. ****** My most important advice to you This may be the most important…

news Prepping

Hurricane Sandy and Normalcy Bias

On Monday, October 29, Hurricane Sandy slammed into the east coast, wreaking havoc on the Jersey shore and New York City. Sandy lived up to expectations — and then some. In fact, it set a few records in the “hurricane” category. For example, CNN reports: When hurricane hunter aircraft measured its central pressure at 940 millibars — 27.76 inches — Monday afternoon, it was the lowest barometric reading ever recorded for an Atlantic storm to make landfall north of Cape Hatteras, North Carolina. The previous record holder was the 1938 “Long Island Express” Hurricane, which dropped as low as 946 millibars. Sandy’s strength and angle of approach combined to produce a record storm surge of water into New York City. The surge level at Battery …

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The Case for Silver

I have written about silver multiple times on this blog. Each time, I’ve covered a different aspect of this precious metal, but I haven’t put it all together in one big, in-depth article. Well, I’ve done that now. Except I didn’t publish the article on this blog. Instead, I published it as a “lens” on Squidoo. (If you’ve not heard of Squidoo before, it is simply a publishing platform that is module based — so you can easily add text, videos, and even Amazon books.) Anyway, if you are interested in silver as an…

news Prepping

For When You Are Ready to Buy Gold and Silver Coins, Go to JM Bullion

I would like to extend a warm welcome to our newest sponsor, JM Bullion, your online source for gold and silver coins. Early on in this blog, I described my field trip to the gold dealer.  I was not even aware you could buy gold and silver coins online.  You can’t beat the convenience.  And, when you buy from them, you are guaranteed market leading rates.  Here is what JM Bullion is about: JM Bullion is an online website that supplies individual investors with physical gold and silver products at the lowest prices possible. We deal strictly in physical metals intended for delivery directly to the customer – we do not hold metal on “account” or offer …

news Prepping

Review of MRE from Meal Kit Supply

MRE from Meal Kit Supply             All photos by Bernie Carr I received samples of MREs from Meal Kit Supply for review.   I have tried other MREs in the past, so I have something to compare this.  The package I tried was the Vegetarian Ratatouile.  It included the following:  heating unit, Vegetarian Ratatouille entrée, Au Gratin Potatoes side dish, cracker and cheese, strawberry banana shake, lemon lime beverage mix, condiments, and spoon. I set up the heating unit according to package directions.  All you have to do is open it, and add about 1/2 cup of water to the bag, up to the line indicated.  You then wrap the heating unit around the entree and side dish according to the photo illustration.  It was …

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Incredibly Simple and Cheap Emergency Lamp

It’s been a couple of months since my last homemade lamp creation, and it continues to be a very popular post.  I thought it’s about time to try making an even simpler one, with items that can be found in most homes.  This lamp, as my previous one, was learned from reading  Lanterns, Lamps & Candles by Ron Brown, which contains a wealth of information about emergency lighting. The items needed for this lamp are super easy to find: Cotton ball or cotton puff Glass container – I used a clear candle holder from Goodwill, but you can use a cereal bowl or even a …

news Prepping

The REAL Reality

By Kellene Bishop In outlining the Ten Principles of Preparedness, I’ve lightly addressed the first Principle, that of Spiritual Preparedness. While I make no secret or apology of the fact that this is a website based on Christian fundamentals, I rarely take on the topic of strengthening our Spiritual Preparedness in this forum; I guess

news Prepping

Guest Post: Homemade MREs

Editor’s note:  Today we are happy to feature a guest blog post from From Julie Languille, Author of The Prepper’s Pantry and the soon to be released Meals in a Jar: Quick and Easy, Just-Add-Water, Homemade Recipes Thanks, Apartment Prepper, for inviting me to write a guest post about Homemade MREs. I am passionate about food storage and my first book, The Prepper’s Pantry  is all about setting up food storage with both a deep larder of long term storage foods, and also a rotation pantry filled with canned goods and home pressure-canned meats and chicken. I love …

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Guest Post: 10 iPhone Apps for Emergency Preparedness

While the ability to contact someone in the event of an emergency has always been part of a cell phone’s appeal, today’s technological advances have allowed mobile devices to evolve far beyond simply making and receiving phone calls. With the power of the iPhone backed by the talents of the many developers whose products fill the App Store, you now have unprecedented access to emergency assistance, information and alerts through your cell phone. These 10 apps are among the best for ensuring that you’re prepared for any emergency, and are wise investments to make. Pocket First Aid & CPR from the American Heart Association – If you …

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Choosing a Hand Grain Mill

How do I choose which hand grain mill to buy? There are quite a range of prices for various hand grain mills, and it may seem difficult to decide which one to choose, but you can narrow your choice by considering two basic questions… 1. Do you intend to grind/mill into flour for breads (versus only for courser grinds) 2. Do you intend to use it frequently. If you will be milling wheat to make flour for bread, you will want to be sure that the mill will grind the wheat berries into fine enough flour. Many cheaper models apparently do not, although many claim that they do. Just read the reviews of the product in consideration and you will usually get …

news Prepping

Intense Flu 2012-2013

Flu Map – United States Flu patients are flooding clinics. The CDC reports no sign of a peak for this year’s early and intense flu season in which the numbers are startlingly higher than recent past years. “I think we’re still accelerating,” said Tom Skinner, a CDC spokesman speaking with NBC News. Twenty-nine states reported high levels of flu activity, up from 16 states the previous week. Flu was widespread in 41 states, up from 31 states, according to the latest figures from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Over at Google Flu Trends, which monitors flu activity in the U.S. and around the world, this year’s season has already topped …