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Feinstein To Ban Hammers And Clubs?

image source: BREITBART There are more people killed each year from hammers and clubs than there are from rifles. Will Senator Feinstein target these hammers and clubs as soon as she’s through gutting the 2nd Amendment? According to the FBI annual crime statistics, the number of murders committed annually with hammers and clubs far outnumbers the number of murders committed with a rifle. Here’s a question that is apparently mind bogglingly difficult to comprehend by Feinstein and her accomplices in the Administration and the main stream media… “Did the hammers, clubs, and rifles do the killing? Or… were the crimes committed …

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Canning Ground Beef–Step By Step Instructions

By Kellene Bishop This week has been full of all kinds of activities in readiness for the Christmas holiday, but I still have to keep up on my self-sufficiency duties. I received my fabulous ground beef from Zaycon Foods this past week and decided to turn the necessity of canning it into a video tutorial.

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FoodSaver Tips and Tricks

By Kellene Bishop If you haven’t already discovered using a FoodSaver to preserve dry goods perfectly over long periods of time, you’re missing out. However, there are those who embrace this fantastic method of preserving dry goods or who WANT to do so, but still have a lot of questions that I didn’t cover in

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12 Days of Christmas – Day Ten

If you worry about whether your kiddos will like the food you’ve put in storage, put your worries to rest. We’ve got you covered. Just whip up a bit of Provident Pantry macaroni and cheese, and they’ll be happy campers.Today we’re giving away two #10 cans of Provident Pantry™ Mac & Cheese. Not only is this mac and cheese delicious, but it’s quick and easy to make—just add water, wait ten minutes, and call everyone to the table! (We’re pretty sure grown-ups will like it, too. Don’t say we didn’t warn you.)You have until 11:59 p.m. tonight (Wednesday, December 12th, 2012) to complete the …

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12 Days of Christmas – Day Nine

You may not be missing any teeth, so instead of wishing for more chompers you can wish for this #10 can of Teriyaki Noodles with Chicken. You can keep it for an emergency situation, or have it on hand for a quick week-night dinner when you don’t feel like cooking. Just add hot water, wait 10 minutes, and serve!You have until 11:59 p.m. tonight (Tuesday, December 11th, 2012) to complete the entry form. A winner will be chosen tomorrow morning. Good luck! Loading… Contest Rules:Four possible entries each day:Share the daily prize image publicly on Facebook (Don’t know how to share publicly? This page might help.)Comment on the daily contest blog post.Retweet the daily contest/item image on Twitter…

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Welcome to Emergency Essentials!

Welcome Survival Mom readers!Thank you for your many kind comments! We’re so glad you’ve stopped by our Facebook page and left a little love for us. Keep visiting us there (and here on the blog), because we like to do giveaways of our own. If you’re new to the world of Emergency Essentials, this post will give you a quick “tour” of the products, information, and resources we have to offer.The Emergency Essentials Websitebeprepared.comWe want you to buy stuff not just because it’s good for business, but because we really believe that our job is to help you prepare. That’s how we help make the…

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12 Days of Christmas – Day Twelve!

There’s nothing better than sleeping by the tree on Christmas Eve. Sleep in cozy comfort with the K-2 5-degree sleeping bag and the Klymit Static V sleeping pad. You’ll never want to go back to your own bed. They’re also excellent for comfortable sleep while camping, which means they’re perfect gifts for the outdoorsy ones on your list this year (whether that’s yourself or someone else—we won’t tell).You have until 11:59 p.m. tonight (Friday, December 14th, 2012) to complete the entry form. A winner will be chosen tomorrow morning. Can you believe this is the last of the Christmas giveaways? The time has passed so quickly. Good luck–I hope you win!Loading… Contest Rules:Four possible…

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12 Days of Christmas – Day Eleven

Think your kids are actually asleep in their beds on Christmas Eve? Think again. They’re probably revising their wish lists to Santa and reading Christmas stories under the covers with a flashlight.Light up your own winter nights with an LED Glow 300 Spotlight. Whether you’re at home in an emergency, on the road, or hitting the trails, a little extra light is always a good idea. Win a spotlight for yourself, or give it as a Christmas gift!You have until 11:59 p.m. tonight (Thursday, December 13th, 2012) to complete the entry form. A winner will be chosen tomorrow morning. Good luck!Loading… Contest Rules:…

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Friday miscellany

Obama secretly signs warrantless phone surveillance law : “Officials at the Electronic Privacy Information Center, or EPIC, say the measure is “a controversial law that allows surveillance of the phone and email communications of U.S. citizens without a warrant.” Obama to ‘Quickly’ Go for Immigration Reform and Gun Control : Barack “Husain” Obama. will go for immigration reform and gun control this month, the White House tells the left-leaning Huffington Post. Obama’s actions will reportedly be done “quickly.” Police Banned From Denny’s Restaurant After Manager ‘Harassed’ Detectives Over Guns : “According to CBS, a diner was alarmed after spotting a female officer’s weapon…

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EMP, CME, Grounding, and the Faraday Cage.

This guest post by blogRot and entry in our non-fiction writing contest. This is a bubba-fied explanation of what it is, what it does, and how to build an effective one.  If you’re going to cite this as a source in your college research paper, you’re nuts. Electromagnetic Pulse (aka EMP) or a Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) from our sun produce high powered electromagnetic ‘rays’ that are very damaging to electrical and electronics based equipment. Rubbing your bare feet across the carpet generates a significant electro static potential that you feel when you then touch something metal like a door handle – that spark is a discharge of roughly 4,000 volts to 35,000 volts.  Lightning cracks …

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Happy New Year!

Everyone here at Emergency Essentials wishes you a happy, safe, and healthy 2013!

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Sweet Green Pickle Recipe

Sweet Green Pickle Print Prepare and chop all the veg into fairly small dice. Break the cauliflower into small florets. Put all veg into a large bowl, sprinkle with salt and cover with water. Put a plate in to weigh it down and leave overnight. Next day drain the brine and put the veg in a pan with 300 ml (10 fl. oz) of the vinegar. Add 250 ml (8 fl.oz) water and bring to the boil. Drain immediately and do not allow the veg to cook. Put the remaining vinegar in another pan, add the spices and the flour mixed with…

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Sweet Pepper Relish Recipe

Sweet Pepper Relish Print Wipe peppers and discard seeds, wipe tomatoes, peel onions, peel and core apples. Chop or mince all vegetables and fruit coarsely and put into pan. Put spices into a muslin bag. Simmer the mixture in the vinegar for 2–3 hours untl chutney is thick and then remove spices. Cool and put into sterilized jars and label. Find out more about making relishes at home. Author: UK Prepper Ingredients 6 red peppers and 6 green peppers 2 lbs green or red tomatoes 1 ½ lbs cooking apples 1 ½ lbs onions 1 lb sugar 1 oz salt 1 teaspoon allspice 1½ pints vinegar ¼ oz chillies (its up to you) ¼ oz cloves ¼ oz crushed root ginger ½ oz mustard seed 1 oz peppercorns Instructions Wipe peppers and discard seeds, wipe tomatoes…

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Sweetcorn and Runner Bean Relish Recipe

Sweetcorn and Runner Bean Relish Print Cook cobs in boiling water for 3 minutes, then plunge into cold water. Cut kernels from cobs. Make a paste with the flour, mustard, turmeric and 2 tablespoons vinegar. Heat rest of vinegar with salt and sugar, then stir the paste into the hot vinegar. Add chopped onions, peppers, beans and sweetcorn to vinegar. Simmer 20 minutes for crispy vegetables, 30 minutes for tender. Author: UK Prepper Recipe type: Relish Ingredients 6 medium corn cobs 2 teaspoons plain flour 2 teaspoons dry mustard half teaspoon turmeric 1 pint white vinegar 2 teaspoons salt 4 oz sugar 2 onions, peeled and chopped 2 small–medium red peppers, seeded and chopped…

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Tomato and Pepper Relish Recipe

Print An easy way to preserve the taste of summer. Peel and finely chop the tomatoes and onions. Mix together in a bowl, sprinkle with the salt and leave overnight if possible. Next day put the tomatoes and onions into a sieve or colander, rinse with cold running water and drain well. De-seed and finely chop the peppers. Mix the peppers, mustard seeds, drained tomatoes and onions in a bowl. Author: UK Prepper Recipe type: Relish Ingredients 4 lbs (2 kg) ripe tomatoes 2 lbs (1 kg) onions 2 medium sized peppers, red or yellow 1 oz (25 g) salt 8 oz (250 g) granulated sugar 3 teaspoons mustard seeds 16 fl oz (450 ml) white wine vinegar Instructions Peel and finely chop the tomatoes and onions. Mix together in a …

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Japan poised to shoot down North Korean missile

By The Telegraph – Read Full Article The Japanese government has ordered its military to shoot down the missile that is expected to be launched by North Korea as early as Monday. The order to destroy the missile should any part of it threaten to fall onto Japanese territory was issued after a meeting of the Security Council of Japan met and was informed that North Korea has begun filling a fuel tank alongside the launch pad at the Sohae Satellite Launching Station in preparation for the launch. Japan has already deployed Patriot Advanced Capability-3 missile batteries in Tokyo, as well as in Okinawa and at locations along the northern and western coasts facing the Korean

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Novel coronavirus infection – update

WHO 30 NOVEMBER 2012 – In addition to the fatal case of novel coronavirus in Saudi Arabia reported to WHO on 28 November, two fatal cases in Jordan have been reported to WHO today, bringing the total of laboratory-confirmed cases to nine. The latest confirmed case from Saudi Arabia occurred in October 2012 and is from the family cluster of the two cases confirmed earlier. The two cases from Jordan occurred in April 2012. At that time, a number of severe pneumonia cases occurred in the country and the Ministry of Health (MOH) Jordan promptly requested a WHO Collaborating Centre for Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Diseases (NAMRU – 3) team to immediately assist in the laboratory …

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What did YOU do to prep this week?

Good morning Wolf Pack – I hope that you’re all doing well today. Before we get started this morning I would like to take a moment to thank Bonnie N, Millie W and Harold D for their generous donations and support this week. Thank you. If you want to also help out by making a small donation (average donation is $20) click this link. Thank you. Okay, let me see – what did I do to prep this week? I ordered two DVD’s “Why Gold and Silver?” and “The Money Masters” I also ordered two books the “Whole Larder Love: Grow Gather…

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Feinstein will most likely introduce her Anti-2nd Amendment bill on January 22nd.

From my most recent NRA newsletter… Feinstein will most likely introduce her bill on January 22nd. President Obama has said that gun control will be a “central issue” of his final term in office, and he has vowed to move quickly on it.  And yesterday, a story from The Blaze noted that Obama’s point man on gun control–Vice President Biden–has promised that Obama will pass a gun control bill by the end of the month. Contact your members of Congress at 202-224-3121 to urge them to oppose Sen. Feinstein’s 2013 gun and magazine ban.  Our elected representatives in Congress must hear from you …

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Storing Nickels

Guest post by David Hathaway Are you doing due diligence with nickels? As many LRC readers know, nickels are the only real “money” being distributed by the U.S. Government at this point in time. The value of the metal in a nickel equals the fiat value assigned to it by the state. This cannot be said about the currently produced pennies, dimes, quarters, or half dollars and certainly cannot be said about the paper money or the even more insidious and plentiful computer digit money that we are forced to use. Nickels are uniformly marked, impractical to counterfeit, and easily recognizable for their metallic content (75{660353129f8d892044c993645a1c75194301fec6786a7f617c15adde0b0011e9} copper, 25{660353129f8d892044c993645a1c75194301fec6786a7f617c15adde0b0011e9} nickel). So, is it really that easy to …

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How to Make Homemade Deodorant

If we are ever faced with a TEOTWAWKI type situation, given that most people are far from prepared with hygienic items like deodorant — let alone food — the world is going to literally become a stinky place (you ever been in a packed bus in a third-world country? Not fun I tell ya, not fun). Well, by storing a few extra items as part of your preps you’ll become the go-to guy (or gal) for those looking to manage their underarm issues. Heck, I’m sure you’ll even get some sweet barter deals out of it, “Hey man, how bout we trade my ammo for your homemade deodorant? My wife won’t let me back in the house …

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Putting Together your Winter Emergency Car Kit

Between commuting to and from work, running errands, and schlepping the kids around to various activities, the average American spends over 200 hours a year in their cars. This is more time on the road than we spend in vacation time in a year! With all that time in your vehicle, the chances of you being stranded in your car due to a breakdown or inclement weather at least once in your lifetime is more likely than not. For that reason it’s an absolute must to have a Emergency Kit for you vehicle. And with winter now fast approaching, having an emergency kit in your car is doubly…

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ITS Tactical Discreet Messenger Bag Gen2 Review

In a previous article I wrote about The Get-Home Bag and why having one with you when you’re out and about is a very important part of being prepared. Besides the 5.11 PUSH Pack (the one I recommended as a Get-Home Bag in that article), I now have another bag that I would highly recommend and is the focus of my review for you today. The bag is called the ITS Tactical Discreet Messenger Bag (Gen 2) and it’s designed and sold by the guys over at ITS I met the owner of ITS (Bryan Black) last year…

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Free Download: LDS Preparedness Manual (version 8) has recently released its latest version of their fantastic book “The LDS Preparedness Manual” (now in it’s 8th version!). Quite simply, it’s a collection of fantastic preparedness related articles covering most prepping subjects such as: food storage communication emergency evacuation heating, cooking, and lighting clothing and shelter defense and much more… I figured I’d send this link out as a belated Christmas present for you guys. It’s a fantastic read and highly recommended! You can download it for free here: LDS Preparedness Manual v.8 UPDATE: Try the above link first, but if it’s not working for you, you can download it here as well:

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Clothes Washing in a Grid-Down World

If we are ever forced to live through an extended grid-down situation, I think many of us would realize how much we rely/depend upon our “common” appliances like our washing machines. For that reason, having an off-grid secondary option will really make living a whole lot easier if things do go south. With that in mind, I wanted to share with you how you can make your own effective off-grid “washing machine” using easy-to-obtain items: What You’ll Need Two 5-gallon buckets with one lid Toilet plunger (make sure it’s a newly purchased one) Liquid detergent (optional: stain stick) Vinegar Rope or clothesline Clothes pins How to Make an Off-Grid Clothes Washing Kit Step 1: Drill a hole …

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Building a Debris Hut

If you were ever forced to bug out and survive in the middle of winter, knowing how to stay warm and dry in chilling rain or subfreezing temps is a must. And what if you had to do that without bedding, fire, or a blanket. Would you still be able to stay warm and dry? Since my brother was in town for the Thanksgiving holiday we decided to see how one of my favorite survival shelters — a debris hut — would fare on an overnight in some cold weather. The evening we did the test was going to be in the low 20s (Fahrenheit) so it was a great night to test the …

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Reader Comments Roundup: Save Your Scissors, Tea Balls, Firearms and More!

photo by geishaboy500 I’ve had quite a few of you comment over the course of this blog, and many of those comments are incredibly insightful, so I thought I’d start sharing some of the top comments with all of you!  In the interest of keeping this post under five pages long, here are some of my favorite comments from just the last week. From Janie on The Short List of Essential Off Grid Sewing Supplies: “Keep your family from using your fabric scissors by putting a lock through the handles. A luggage lock will do or, — as a friend of mine did (after her husband used her fabric scissors for trimming a radiator hose)…

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The Truth About Keeping Preparedness in Perspective

photo by KOMUnews Do you ever get the feeling that you’ll never be fully prepared?  That it’s impossible to reach the level of preparedness you feel others may have or that you’d like to attain?  Well you’re not alone.  Lots of preppers have had those same thoughts.  But don’t let it freeze you up and keep you from trying or send you to the depths of prepper despair.  There are a few truths about preparedness that everyone should know. The truth is there is no list or standard of exactly what you need to prepare yourself and your family.  This is YOU and YOUR family.  Maybe living in a bunker in some remote location in Idaho with a bunch…