Col. Douglas Macgregor: Israeli Invasion Of Gaza Will Lead To Global Islamic Terrorism … And Armageddon

You’d almost think the Colonel has been reading his Bible and knows what’s coming. I say “almost” because even though he sees some writing on the wall he seems to think that the destruction of Israel is near, which tells me he hasn’t fully read the source material yet. Then again, the same can be said for many fellow Christians. Take 1 Thessalonians 5:3, for instance. I often hear many say that Israel will be saying “peace and safety” when they sign a 7-year peace treaty and then sudden destruction comes with Great Tribulation, but this is very a common misconception within dispensational circles. It’s the previous verse that identifies when the destruction happens, and thus upon whom the destruction comes. As we are hearing today in increasing measure, the Muslim world blames Israel as the primary source of all the ills that plague them, a claim often echoed by Islamic clerics and Muslim leaders worldwide. They have deceived themselves into believing that in order for there to be “peace and safety” Israel must first be destroyed. And “peace and safety” is precisely what Israel’s enemies will expect to finally achieve as they’re gathering together under “Allah’s” divine mandate to come up against Jerusalem, in zealous expectation that Israel will finally be a nation no more in fulfillment of their own false Islamic “prophecies.” But it is not “Allah” that will be gathering them. It is Yahweh. And it is not Israel that will be destroyed. It will be them

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Col. Douglas Macgregor On Israeli Invasion Of Gaza: “I think [Israel is] going to provoke an enormous reaction from the Muslim world … virtually everybody from Indonesia to Morocco is going to be extremely upset and I think we’re going to see the front against Israel in the region begin to coalesce into a real military alliance against Israel and I think that’s probably going to now include Turkey… [Erdo?an] has set the stage for an eventual Turkish military intervention… You’re going to get a full scale war… Now suddenly [Turkey has] become ‘Holy Warriors’ defending their ground, which I think is very scary because that makes it very clear that he has unambiguously aligned himself now with the opponents of Israel. He had not done that before…” Listen to the full interview below and pay particularly close attention to his ominous prognostications for the West beginning at 24:54

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