Cowardice: Biden Administration Abandons Israel, Refuses To Veto UN Resolution Demanding “Immediate Ceasefire”

Today’s UN resolution calls for an “immediate ceasefire” and the release of hostages being held by Hamas, but you can be certain that the international focus will not be upon the innocent men, women and children illegally held hostage by the bloodthirsty terrorists who started this war but upon contravening Israel’s legal right to self defense as affirmed under UN Resolutions 242 and 338. The passing of today’s anti-Israel resolution is a gift to Islamist fundamentalism that will not bring a swift end to the Gaza conflict, but will expand it, serving as a hook in the jaws of Israel’s enemies for them to formulate military measures of their own against the only democracy in the Middle East in the name of international “peace and security.”

If America and the United Nations truly believed in, and hoped for, peace in Gaza they’d all be supporting Israel’s efforts to crush Hamas once and for all. Although today’s resolution is arguably not legally binding (some are reporting that it is), the cowardice of the Biden Administration’s refusal to stand with Israel in her time of need nudges America from being in a position of blessing to a position of cursing Israel. And to curse Israel will not bode well for America …

Israel National News – “The US did not use its veto against a UN Security Council Resolution demanding an immediate ceasefire in Gaza during the month of Ramadan and calling for the immediate release of all hostages held by Hamas, allowing the resolution to pass. The US did veto a second Russian-sponsored resolution calling for a permanent ceasefire.

The first resolution passed with 14 votes in favor and one abstention, from the US.

US Ambassador to the UN Thomas-Greenfield said that the decision not to use America’s veto was made after multiple changes were made to the resolution that America had sought. However, multiple changes the US had sought were not included, such as a section condemning the Hamas terrorist organization.

The resolution is not legally binding.

Earlier, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned that he would cancel an Israeli delegation to Washington that would have discussed the upcoming operation to crush Hamas’s last four battalions in Rafah and free the hostages still held in Gaza.

‘If the USA does not veto the resolution, which calls for a ceasefire that is not dependent on the release of the hostages, I will cancel the Israeli delegation’s trip to Washington,’ Netanyahu said.” Read more.

Flashback: United Nations Secretary-General Invokes Article 99 Of UN Charter, Calls Israel “A Threat To International Peace And Security” – “Israel excoriates the UN chief’s invocation of Article 99 of the UN Charter, which will do absolutely nothing to bring a peaceful resolution to the conflict but will in fact only serve to provide Turkey and the rest of the Islamic world with yet another pretext — and tacit approval — to join forces and invade Israel the minute they sense any crack in the IDF’s armor. When the Islamic nations surrounding Israel gather together against Jerusalem they will all be saying, ‘Peace and Security’ is at hand. And they’ll be right. Peace and security will indeed finally be just around the corner. But it will be God’s version, not theirs …” Read more.

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