Diplomatic Terrorism: UNGA Votes To Strip Israel’s Right To Self Defense Against Genocide, Demands Israel Leave Gaza & West Bank Within One Year

Are terrorists from Gaza actively planning a second Holocaust? Too bad. Are “beasts of the earth” who reside in the City of David and Judea & Samaria — a central part of the historic homeland of the Jewish people — actively planning to destroy the state of Israel? Tough. According to yesterday’s “historic” vote by the United Nations General Assembly, Israel is no longer fully covered under Article 51 of the UN Charter. “Peace, peace!”? No, there is no peace. All UN resolutions against Israel in no way, shape or form serve to bring about peace in the region. To the contrary, they only serve to guarantee more death and destruction to come. The United Nations has, once again, openly cursed Israel before man and God by handing the surrounding Islamic nations, literally hell-bent on Israel’s destruction, all the pretexts and tacit international approvals they need to unite and invade Israel. And unite and invade they soon will

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The Jerusalem Post – “The United Nations General Assembly on Wednesday voted 124-14 to strip Israel of the right to self-defense against Palestinian terrorism in the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and east Jerusalem.

The text of the resolution was based on the International Court of Justice’s advisory opinion in July that Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territory was illegal.

Prior to the vote, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said he supported the ICJ option and would abide by the vote, which calls on the IDF to withdraw to the pre-1967 lines within 12 months.

The resolution also calls on member states not to sell arms or military equipment to Israel that would be used in Gaza, the West Bank, and east Jerusalem. It calls for a boycott of all Israeli products produced over the pre-1967 lines.

The resolution has declaratory power only but provides international backing to those countries that want to take additional steps against Israel.

The text does not mention Hamas, the October 7 invasion of Israel, or the remaining 101 hostages in Gaza. It makes no requirements of Hamas or the Palestinians with regard to attacks on Israel.” Read more.

Flashback: United Nations Secretary-General Invokes Article 99 Of UN Charter, Calls Israel “A Threat To International Peace And Security” – “Israel excoriates the UN chief’s invocation of Article 99 of the UN Charter, which will do absolutely nothing to bring a peaceful resolution to the conflict but will in fact only serve to provide Turkey and the rest of the Islamic world with yet another pretext — and tacit approval — to join forces and invade Israel the minute they sense any crack in the IDF’s armor. When the Islamic nations surrounding Israel gather together against Jerusalem they will all be saying, ‘Peace and Security’ is at hand. And they’ll be right. Peace and security will indeed finally be just around the corner. But it will be God’s version, not theirs …” Read more.

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