Django Unwatched

By me, at least. Not at all eager to see “kill Whitey” screeds. We get enough of that on the news. Do you suppose this gawdawful movie will lead more Trayvons out there to, well, kill Whitey? If it does, will the media be concerned? Will the media even take notice of the fact that it’s a Black-on-White massacre, or will they, as they did in the case of Omar Thornton, speculate that he was driven to do it all by White racism? Blacks, you know, are always victims, even when they are perps.And sorry about the illustration. I’m old, and easily confused. I got “Django” mixed up with “Bojangles.” That’s not to put Sammy Davis, Jr. …
Article by Ex-Army – Libertarian Nationalist. Read entire story here.

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