Dog Eat Dog – Academy of Self Defense

Unleash Your Inner Grit with Dog Eat Dog WOD

Get ready to push your limits with today’s WOD: Dog Eat Dog. This EMOM (Every Minute on the Minute) workout is designed to test your endurance, strength, and agility, making it a perfect challenge for all fitness levels. Whether you’re a seasoned athlete or just starting your fitness journey, Dog Eat Dog will push you to new heights.

What’s an EMOM Workout?

EMOM workouts keep you moving, demanding a high level of intensity and focus. You’ll perform each exercise at the start of every minute, aiming to complete the required reps before the minute is up. The quicker you finish, the more rest you get before the next exercise begins.

Today’s WOD Breakdown:

  1. Med Ball Push-Ups
    • Challenge your upper body and core stability. Place your hands on a medicine ball and complete as many push-ups as possible in the allotted time. Keep your body in a straight line, and focus on controlled movements.
  2. Heavy Bag Punch Ladder
    • Work on your striking power and cardio. Punch the heavy bag, climbing the ladder with increasing intensity. Start with one punch, then add one more punch each round, pushing yourself to reach new levels with each set.
  3. Tricep Extensions
    • Target those triceps for toned arms. Using a set of dumbbells or resistance bands, perform tricep extensions with good form. Keep your elbows tucked close to your head to maximize the burn.
  4. TRX Mountain Climbers
    • Engage your core and get your heart rate up. With your feet in the TRX straps, drive your knees towards your chest as fast as possible. Maintain a plank position to work your entire core.
  5. Clean & Press
    • Build full-body strength with this powerhouse move. Grab a barbell or a set of dumbbells, clean the weight to your shoulders, then press it overhead. This move engages multiple muscle groups, making it a cornerstone of functional fitness.
  6. Back Flys
    • Strengthen your back and shoulders. Using dumbbells, hinge at your hips, and with a slight bend in your elbows, raise the weights out to your sides. Focus on squeezing your shoulder blades together at the top of the movement.
  7. Obliques
    • Finish strong by targeting your side abs. Perform side bends or Russian twists, focusing on slow, controlled movements to really engage your obliques.

Maximize Your Workout

  • Warm-Up: Start with a 5-10 minute dynamic warm-up. Think jumping jacks, leg swings, and arm circles to get your blood flowing.
  • Form Focus: Keep your movements controlled, and don’t rush through the reps. Proper form is key to preventing injuries and getting the most out of your workout.
  • Cool Down: Don’t forget to cool down with some light stretching, focusing on the muscles you worked today. This helps reduce soreness and keeps you flexible.

Ready to experience the intensity of Dog Eat Dog? Sign up for a free trial class at the Academy of Self Defense in Santa Clara. Our GRIT program is more than just a workout—it’s a community of supportive and driven individuals who push each other to achieve their best. Join us today and discover how our group fitness classes can elevate your fitness journey.

See you in class—where the strong get stronger!

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