First Aid Phil’s Special Announcement! |


Subscribers know First Aid Phil from our newsletter. Now, First Aid Phil, Nurse Amy, and Joe Alton, MD are pleased to announce the publishing of their first children’s story book “Snowbie, The First Snowman” by Skyhorse, just in time for the holiday season. In “Snowbie…,” you’ll find a heartwarming origin story about how the first snowman came to be; an old-fashioned classic to read to young children and grandchildren. 100 percent of author royalties from 2023 sales will go to disabled veterans’ charities.

Why should you read a story like “Snowbie…” to your young children or grandchildren?

Children who are read to are known to show better social and emotional skills. Parent-child bonding is enhanced. Plus, reading to a child makes them feel more secure and helps view literacy in a positive way. Hearing a story read aloud helps develop listening and concentrating skills that can last a lifetime.

Experts from the National Center on Early Childhood Development, Teaching, and Learning say that reading books to kids helps expand the number and variety of words they use. One 2019 study estimated that children who are regularly read to in the 5 years leading up to kindergarten are exposed to 1.4 million more words than children who aren’t read to. A 2013 study showed that even reading to babies allows them to score higher later in language skills and problem solving, which can extend to higher IQs even in the teen years.

Some pointers when reading to a child: Guide them by pointing to the pictures, and say the names of the various objects. By drawing attention to pictures and associating the words with both pictures and the real-world objects, your child will learn the importance of language and reap benefits later on.

Writing “Snowbie, The First Snowman” was a labor of love for us both, and we are only too happy to donate any income we garner from the book to our disabled veterans. If you have a special veterans’ charity in mind, send us a note at Oh, by the way, Happy Thanksgiving!

Note: Some of the links in this article are Amazon affiliate links; remember that any income we derive from the sale of this book go to charity.

Amy and Joe Alton

The Altons

Want a numbered, signed copy of “Snowbie: The First Snowman”? Click this link to our store for a limited edition signed version of this heartwarming story!

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