Flesh Eating Bacteria, Hurricanes, Mudslides, Tourniquets, Jellyfish/Sting Ray Stings, More |

Recent hurricanes on the West and East coast have threatened millions, and it’s important for you to know what to do if one of these juggernauts is heading in your direction. Dr. Joe Alton tell you what you need to know.

Last time, we talked about shark attacks, but many more people are injured by less scary critters like sting rays and jellyfish. Dr. Alton tells you what to do for these injuries, and also talks about the recent spate of cases of marine waters that harbor Vibrio vulnificus, the flesh eating bacteria that has killed several people this summer.

Plus, heavy rains from Cyclone Hilary have cause flash floods and mudslides in the normally desert Southwest. Dr. Bones tells you all about them, and what to do before you build that dream retreat in the mountains, how to harden a home already built, and what to do if the river of mud is an imminent threat.

Plus, are those knock-off tourniquets the equivalent of the world-famous CAT tourniquet? A study from the Journal of Special Ops Medicine is discussed. Do you get what you pay for?

All this and more on the Survival Medicine Podcast with Joe and Amy Alton, aka Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy!

To Listen in, click below:


Wishing you the best of health in good times or bad,

Joe and Amy Alton

Hey, don’t forget to check out our entire line of quality medical kits (including suture kits) at store.doomandbloom.net. Also, our Book Excellence Award-winning 700-page SURVIVAL MEDICINE HANDBOOK: THE ESSENTIAL GUIDE FOR WHEN HELP IS NOT ON THE WAY is now available in black and white on Amazon and in color and color spiral-bound versions at store.doomandbloom.net.

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