For The Love Of Hate: Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” Found In Children’s Room Of Hamas Terror Base

Hitler is idolized and revered across many quarters of the Islamic world — not just in Muslim nations, but virtually every Muslim community in the Western world as well. Islam is, after all, the cesspool from which Hitler received his inspiration for the “Final Solution” …

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The Times of Israel – “President Isaac Herzog on Sunday displayed an Arabic-language version of Adolf Hitler’s autobiographical manifesto ‘Mein Kampf’ that he said was found in a children’s room used as a base by terrorists in the northern Gaza Strip.

Herzog held up a copy of the Nazi leader’s book during a video interview with the BBC’s Laura Kuenssberg and said it showed the nature of the hatred that Israel is fighting against in its campaign to destroy Hamas following the terror group’s shock onslaught last month.

‘This is Adolf Hitler’s book, ‘Mein Kampf,’ translated into Arabic,’ he declared. ‘This is the book that led to the Holocaust and the book that led to World War II.’

Herzog said the book was found a few days earlier on the body of a Hamas gunman in a child’s bedroom, ‘which became a base used for terrorist activities by the terrorist organization Hamas.’

‘The terrorist wrote notes, marked the sections, and studied again and again the ideology of Adolf Hitler to hate the Jews, to kill the Jews, to burn and slaughter Jews wherever they are,’ he said. ‘This is the real war we are facing.’” Read more.

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