Former Intelligence Chief: “Europeans Will Succumb To Islam”

The “Babylonian Bubbly” effect is a very serious reality. While there are a few who can read the writing on the wall, far too many remain willfully illiterate and have even chosen to foolishly ignore the warnings of those who are not. The myopic incompetence of leftist leadership, and the consequences thereof, have now placed Europe on an irreversible path toward cultural desolation

See: Danish Psychologist: ‘Islam Creates Monsters’
See: Muslim Immigrants Have 400% Higher Crime Rate
See: Europe Today: ‘You Feel Like A Jew In Berlin In The ‘20s’
See: Arab Writer: Islam’s Uncivilized ‘Civilization’ Accomplishes Nothing
See: There Are Now Too Many Potential Islamic Terrorists In Europe To Track
See: Europe’s New Nazis, ‘The Killing Will Not Stop Until The Muslim Occupation Of Europe Comes To An End’

PJ Media – “Islam is on the verge of completely taking over Europe, in all ways — at least according to one who should know, Hans-Georg Maaßen, Germany’s top domestic intelligence chief from 2012 to 2018. In a recent interview, he stressed several points that spell the imminent downfall of Europe to Islam.

His warnings are buttressed by disturbing demographic changes. According to conservative estimates from Pew Research, over the next 25 years — meaning most of the current generation’s lifetime — Europe’s Muslim population will triple to a staggering 76 million. In fact, the actual current and future numbers of Muslims appear to be higher, though there are no official tallies. For example, in an earlier, 2011 study, Pew Research found that ‘The number of Muslims in Europe has grown from 29.6 million in 1990 to 44.1 million in 2010. Europe’s Muslim population is projected to exceed 58 million by 2030.’ Clearly 58 million in five years’ time is more significant than 76 million in 25 years’ time.

Not only is mass migration responsible for Islam’s exponential growth in Europe, but once there, the average Muslim woman has significantly more children than the average European woman. ‘Muhammad’ is taking West Europe by storm as the number one name for newborn baby boys.

During his interview, Hans-Georg Maaßen said that these large numbers are intentional, and the work of Europe’s ruling elite. For this intelligence chief, the ‘great replacement’ theory is no myth. The more ideologically mixed a population is forced into becoming, the less able it is to identify itself, much less protect any beliefs.

‘[O]ur politicians want a different population. The political left follows the course of the anti-German ideology. The more heterogeneous a population, the less able it is to articulate itself and have a democratic say. The more politics accept immigrants from other countries as they see fit and grants them citizenship, the more politics select the people of the state and influence the election results. These migrants then vote differently than the locals.’

He pointed out how easy it would be for European governments, especially Germany and Austria, to prevent Muslim migrants from entering their borders — and how easy it would be to send the many criminal ones who have already gained entry back to their countries of origin — but they refuse to do so.” Read more.

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