France: Rising Islamist Terrorism Threatens All of Europe

> Radical Islam > France: Rising Islamist Terrorism Threatens All of Europe

France: Rising Islamist Terrorism Threatens All of Europe

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Reuters — “Europe is seeing a rise of ‘Islamist terrorism and all states are threatened, French president Emmanuel Macron said on Tuesday during a visit to Albania, after Islamist killings of a teacher in France and two Swedish football fans in Belgium.

Macron spoke a day after a 45-year-old attacker, who identified himself as a member of Islamic State and claimed responsibility in a video posted online, killed the two fans in Brussels.

In Paris, a French anti-terrorism prosecutor said on Tuesday a 20-year-old man who fatally stabbed the school-teacher and wounded three others in the northern city of Arras on Oct. 13 had pledged allegiance to Islamic State.

‘We saw it again yesterday in Brussels. All European states are vulnerable, and there is indeed a resurgence of Islamist terrorism,’ Macron said …” Read more.

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