France: Six Muslim Children Who Helped Behead Teacher For Showing Picture Of Mohammed To Finally Face Judgement

Showing a picture of the “prophet” of Islam is an insult to Muslims, who don’t just idolize the Kaaba and the Qur’an. They also idolize the violent, self-declared “prophet” whom they pray to every day …

See: The Inevitable End Of Europe As We Know It
See: France: Rising Islamist Terrorism Threatens All of Europe
See: ‘From India to France, Whoever Insults Our Prophet Will Be Exterminated’
See: Muslims Violently Attack 71-Year-Old Iraqi Christian Refugee For Wearing Cross
See: France: Muslim Arab Gang Attacks Young People, Stabs One To Death, Wounds 17
See: German Muslim Child: ‘First We Cut Throats Of Jews, Then Gays And Finally Christians’
See: Former Muslim: Islam Is “Not Merely A Religion But A Cult Belief System” Of A Man — “The Cult Of Muhammad”

BBC – “Six French teenagers accused of complicity in the murder of a teacher will go on trial today.

The children were aged between 13 and 15 at the time of the killing of Samuel Paty in 2020 at the hands of a Chechen refugee.

The suspects are accused of slander and pointing out the teacher to the killer at the school.

They face a maximum of 2.5 years in prison.

Mr Paty was stabbed and beheaded on 16 October 2020 after reportedly showing students cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad during a class on freedom of expression…” Read more.

Book Of Revelation Prophesied The Rise Of Islam And Its Obliteration By Christ At His Coming – “At the beginning of Revelation 9 John describes what appears to be a ‘star’ that falls from heaven to earth (9:1) … This fallen ‘star’ greatly affects the ‘waters’ upon which it falls. In Revelation 17:15, the ‘waters’ are defined for us as ‘peoples, multitudes, nations, and tongues.’ … The ‘waters’ are turned ‘bitter’ by the ‘star.’ It is important to note that the word for ‘bitter’ (pikrain?) does not simply mean bitter in terms of taste. It also means bitter in terms of one’s disposition and their behavior towards others, as in to ‘render angry or indignant’ or ‘causing pain; characterized by intense antagonism or hostility’ and is related to the word ‘pikria’ meaning ‘extreme wickedness’ or “bitter hatred” … Of particular interest is the fact that the name of the ‘star’ figuratively means ‘calamity.’ Pick up virtually any thesaurus and ‘calamity’ is synonymous with ‘affliction’ and ‘distress.’ Coincidentally, or perhaps it’s no coincidence at all, one of the 99 names of Allah, Islam’s deity, is Ad-Darr which means ‘The Afflicter’ or ‘The Distressor.’” Read more.

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