Gazan Resident: The United Nations Relief And Works Agency Is Controlled By Hamas, “Wherever Hamas goes, Total Destruction Follows”

> Radical Islam, Wars and Rumors of War > Gazan Resident: The United Nations Relief And Works Agency Is Controlled By Hamas, “Wherever Hamas goes, Total Destruction Follows”

Gazan Resident: The United Nations Relief And Works Agency Is Controlled By Hamas, “Wherever Hamas goes, Total Destruction Follows”

What? That can’t be, Hamas strictly follows the “religion of peace”!

See: Video: The Full History Of Hamas
See: Video: The Shocking Truth About Gaza
See: UNRWA “Teacher” Held Israeli Hostage In Attic For Almost 50 Days

Gazan Resident: “The situation [in Gaza] is terrible because the humanitarian people, those responsible for the humanitarian aid, are thieves… wherever Hamas goes, total destruction follows … and it manages UNRWA… From the day they rose to power they took control of everything…” Listen to the full video below.

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