Hamas Official: We Are Preparing To Establish A Global Islamic Caliphate With Jerusalem As Its Capital (Video)

“Jerusalem will not only be the capital city of Palestine as an independent state – it will be the capital city of the Islamic Caliphate.” Interesting, isn’t it, how Satan — who knows that all his endeavors will end in certain failure — still seeks to counterfeit all that God creates? The Ummah vs the Ekklesia. The Harlot vs The Bride. Imams vs Pastors. Allah and his prophet vs Yahweh and His Messiah. The Qur’an vs The Bible. The Slaves of Allah vs Servants of Righteousness. Shariah Law vs the Law of Love. The Mark of the Beast vs the Seal of Christ. Demonic Possession vs The Infilling of the Holy Spirit. An Islamic Caliphate vs the Everlasting Kingdom. The Sacred Stone vs The Rock of Our Salvation. All of Islam and all that it pursues is nothing but an imitation and an abomination. And its days are numbered …

See: Senior Hamas Leader: The Entire Planet Will Be Under Our Law
See: Son Of Hamas Co-Founder: ‘If Hamas Is Not Destroyed, The Rest Of The World Is Next’

Jihad Watch – “Fathi Hammad’s declaration that Palestinians are preparing to establish an Islamic caliphate with Jerusalem as its capital is a manifestation of how jihadis worldwide are emboldened after October 7. It is also a stark reminder of how often Islamic leaders and groups state their goals publicly, but most Westerners do not believe them or pay no attention. Instead, they tar those who do take them seriously as ‘Islamophobes.’

Hammad is saying nothing new. He is just saying it in a brazen and violent manner. It still won’t register with most Westerners, but he is serious. The Palestinian Authority, Hamas, Iran and, in fact, all jihadis seek to obliterate Israel so that Islam can complete the conquest of the entire Middle East. And then they will indeed likely endeavor to establish Jerusalem as the capital of a global caliphate.

It is worthwhile to remember that the Organization of Islamic Cooperation already regards the Palestinian territories as the ‘State of Palestine.’ For that reason, the OIC declares that it has 57 members, when there are really 56. It is a deception that Islamic countries are aiming for a two-state solution. They aspire to a one-state solution with Jerusalem as the capital.

Hamas is a Muslim Brotherhood offshoot, and the Muslim Brotherhood calls upon Muslims to wage jihad as a religious duty. Hamas is only the tip of the iceberg. Israel may defeat it, but the jihadist goal of a global caliphate will not end. Neither will jihad violence aimed at Israel — and other infidel polities.

The determination to reestablish the caliphate is backed by the record of 1,400 years of jihad. What more do people need? The truth that few want to hear is that Israel is at the forefront of the battle for all of the West.” Read more.

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