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  1. 1

    Awesome vid. ? One thing. Shoot with one eye open or both? If using one eye do you use your dominate eye or the eye on the same side as your strong arm?

  2. 5

    Oh, and also note how many times he checked to see if his gun actually was empty. Please don’t be the guy at the range? who doesn’t check when moving the gun…

  3. 6

    Well done. Only thing I can really add is to read the manual if dry fire w/o mag is bad for your gun (like my XD40),? but I definitely say his advice about 2-5 rounds in a gun is good stuff — not that I’m an expert, just a guy who tried both ways without any outside handgun training (yet). But do make sure to REWARD yourself with those full-to-capacity mags and blast away for fun in between serious shooting. Also, I recommend snap caps randomly mixed with live rds see how bad you’re flinching!

  4. 11
    Rob McGuire

    Very good info? for novice pistol shooter. Former Army, but all experience with rifles. Best video found for my wife and I during our search for what and how to shoot/carry.

  5. 21

    Very nice video, one thing I would have put in here is? to make sure the weapon is properly lined up straight with your strong arm. It is easier to point and shoot, and it is much easier to control the recoil of the weapon.

  6. 22

    I use my handgun to open beers. It’s much easier than trying to fumble with that damn? pull tab and hold the steering wheel at the same time.

  7. 25

    Thanks for the info. I’m? new to shooting and have been working with my grip but I think I just picked up a few tips that will help my all around shooting.

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