Here We Go Again.. Covid Fear Kickoff

Apparently, early last week, a ‘whistleblower’ at TSA said (in essence) that Covid related government mandates are coming back. Beginning with masks. And then apparently incremental progression into further mandates – just like before. Reportedly Phase 1 during September. Then a Phase 2, October. And so on.. Ramping up the Covid fear.

I heard this ‘whistleblower’ news on Thursday (or was it Friday midday?). I said to myself… “No, no, they’re not going to do this again, are they? And surely it would be pure coincidence (again) that it would be leading right up before a presidential election whereby ‘mail-in ballots’, ‘bulk drop-offs’, etc., would once again be allowed? Nah, that would have nothing to do with this whatsoever, right?”

But then, incredibly, it became exceedingly clear Friday evening when the legacy mainstream media began messaging (in a ‘parroting’ type of unison with exact words and phrases, regardless of network outlets) to begin scaring the public once again. An obvious coordinated messaging effort to kick it all off.

I thought to myself, “Wow, yup, they’re apparently going to try and do this all over again.” Shortly thereafter, sure enough, further news reports also began coming out, including statements about various colleges beginning to mandate (again) masks and mRNA shots in order to attend school. Other insider reports.. including apparently Kroger grocery store bringing back the masks (just the beginning before others ‘fall in line’ too)? During the past two days I’ve heard lots more ‘whistleblowers’ calling in to various outlets, revealing similar coming mandates reported internally. All of the sudden. Like a switch has been flipped. Just coincident though, yes?

Here we go again..

I haven’t posted on this subject in quite some time. I had hoped this crap was finally over with. The extraordinary devastation that tyrannical overreach caused to the middle class, and small-to-medium size businesses. To see that they are now obviously trying to whip it all up again – really gets me angry. I’ve tried to withhold from posting about this, because it doesn’t do much good other than to vent. However “if” people allow ‘2020’ to happen again, we are so F’d..

Have we not learned how so much of what happened last time was BS and didn’t need to happen? Are we going to let them lead us towards eventual lockdown again?! Are we?

I’ll tell you what.. I am very, very curious how the public at large is going to respond this time around – assuming the push actually continues. Although there will always be a percentage who will comply with anything – regardless of the illogic – the question is, this time around, how many will say “No! Not again!” ?

Now that I’ve vented just a little, how can I provide a bit of helpful messaging to this short post? Well, I suppose it begins with awareness. It looks (to me) like they are going to try this again. So, what can you do with that information? In my view, I would say, resist. Plan ahead. Recall all that happened last time (though it remains to be seen if they’re able to take it that far again). If they can lock it down again, just think how much worse the supply chains might be, given that it has not really recovered since the last time. Got enough TP? (lol).

What’s your opinion? Have you noticed the messaging kickoff? Are they actually going to bring us there again?

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