Hmmm: “Show Me One Palestinian Who Tried To Save A Jew On Oct. 7”

There were numerous civilians under Nazi Germany who saved thousands of Jews during WWII. They’re honored as Righteous Among The Nations today. But if the media asked for a single Palestinian civilian who tried to save even one Jew on October 7th to please stand up, they’d quickly discover a civilian population seemingly too busy prostrating toward their stone idol in Mecca to care. Sure, the IDF-blackened eyes of Hamas are still able to keep watch, but let’s remember that Gaza is home to a population that is 99% Muslim, every one of whom is inculcated into a religious system where Jews must be slaughtered, not saved, where Jewish communities must be pillaged and plundered, not protected. As it stands, saving Jewish lives is anathema to Islamic jurisprudence and an affront to the “prophet” of Islam, whom they must follow lest they suffer eternal damnation. And Gazans are reminded of this daily by their own media, evidenced by the fact that an overwhelming majority of Palestinians polled recently support the atrocities committed by Hamas on October 7th. This — and the fact that one hostage known to have escaped temporarily was subsequently handed back over to Hamas by Palestinian civilians — tells us everything we need to know about the poisonous predispositions that Islam has produced, not just within Hamas and the Gazan civilian population, but within Islamic society as a whole

See: Palestinian Commentator: Jews Are “Human Waste”
See: Hamas: Killing Jews Is Worship That Draws Us Close To Allah
See: PA Official Publicly Calls For Genocide Of Jews As Religious Islamic Goal
See: Palestinian Muslim Preacher To Jews: “We Shall Slaughter You Without Mercy”
See: Released Palestinian Terrorist Praises Hamas, Hopes For More Kidnappings To “Empty The Prisons”

The Algemeiner – “Families of hostages seized by the Hamas terror group on Oct. 7 experienced a mix of relief and anxiety at a rally marking ’50 days of hell’ on Saturday night as they grappled with the bittersweet reality of the release of some hostages while many others remained in captivity, amid multiple delays on the part of Hamas.

Speakers at the rally, which drew some 100,000 people to the renamed Hostage Square outside the Tel Aviv Museum of Art, called to ‘bring home all of them now.’

As of Sunday night, a total of 40 Israeli hostages were released with Hamas indicating that it was interested in extending the ceasefire. Terrorists led by Hamas abducted over 240 people during their Oct. 7 massacre across southern Israel.

Thirteen hostages, mostly from Kibbutz Be’eri, were released on Saturday some six hours after the 4 pm deadline after Hamas accused Israel of short-changing on the promised delivery of fuel and humanitarian aid — a claim that was denied by the International Committee of the Red Cross — and releasing the wrong Palestinian security prisoners in exchange.

Be’eri resident Nir Shani, whose son, Amit, turned 16 in captivity, was not surprised by the delay.

‘It’s not unexpected, sadly. It would’ve been weird if it would have gone smoothly as planned. It was obviously going to happen,’ Shani told The Algemeiner.

Shani further said he wasn’t surprised by the Oct. 7 massacre perpetrated by Hamas.

‘They did exactly what they said they would do if they got the chance. We’ve seen it before,’ he said, pointing to terror attacks against Jews even before the founding of the state.

Shani’s views stand in sharp contrast with those of other members of his kibbutz, who maintain that a peaceful resolution to the conflict — likely in the form of two states — is still possible.

He also refused to extend clemency to the Palestinian population in Gaza as being innocent.

‘I don’t make a distinction between them and Hamas. We’ve all heard about the righteous among the nations in the Holocaust. Tell me of one Palestinian who tried to save one Jew after Oct. 7,’ he said.” Read more.

Douglas Murray On Sky News With Piers Morgan – “Your question supposes that there is a sort of peaceful Palestinian population in the Gaza who would love a two-state solution and then a few bad apples in Hamas. I think that’s not true. Why is it that when one of the victims of the Muslim festival, a poor young German Jewish girl who it seems was raped and then brutally murdered and taken into Gaza naked, why is it that you can find … a crowd of ordinary Gazans — it wasn’t Hamas, it wasn’t a Hamas rally — ordinary Gazans spitting on her body, hitting her body, mutilating her body further as it went down the street. Does that strike you, Piers, as a placid population of peacenik-types who are just desperately waiting for a two-state solution to be put back on the table for the millionth time in the last seventy-something years? … Did you see anyone in it saying, ‘Hey guys, stop! We’re not meant to mutilate the bodies of girls or rape them in public!’ … They did it with glee. They were deeply proud …” Video below.

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