Hypothermia, Pest Infestations, Respiratory Infections |

In this episode of the Survival Medicine Podcast, Dr. Joe and Nurse Amy Alton discuss cold weather exposure and its ill effects, known as “hypothermia.” Plus, the medic has to know how to deal with mundane issues as well as the sensational “prepper” problems like disaster trauma. One of these issues is lice. Dr. Alton tells you everything you need to know about lice: head lice, body lice, and public lice. Plus, scabies! Ugh!

Finally, Dr. Bones discusses how viruses change from year to year, and what that means for this year’s cold/flu/RSV/Covid season.

All this and more in the latest Survival Medicine Podcast with Dr. Joe and Nurse Amy Alton!

To listen in, click below:


Joe and Amy Alton

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