“It’s Time For Jihad”: Iranian Group Begins Recruiting Suicide Bombers To Attack Israel

In the Book of Revelation, the multitude of the Lamb (Jesus) — the “Ekklesia” of God — is called a Bride and is described as being “adorned for her husband” and filled with “the glory of God” (21:2-11). Satan’s counterfeit of the Church is the multitude of a man (Mohammed) — the “Ummah” of Allah — and described as a harlot “decked with gold and precious stones and pearls” who is filled with abominations (17:4) and merchandises the “bodies and souls of men” (18:13). All those who marvel after her, who love death and are willing to martyr themselves for her, are not just committing suicide in this life. They’re committing suicide in the next …

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Daily Mail – “A hard-line Iranian group has been actively recruiting potential suicide bombers for operations in Israel, images seen by MailOnline reveal.

The group responsible for this recruitment drive, Hezbollah, different from the Lebanese militant group with the same name, has initiated a campaign in the southeastern Iranian city of Mashhad, a significant place in Shia Islam.

Posters featuring calls for ‘martyrdom’ have appeared on the streets of Mashhad, imploring residents to submit their personal details for consideration.

These posters declare, ‘It’s time for Jihad,’ and seek individuals to join a ‘special battalion of martyr seekers for Palestine.’

One poster, shared by a Telegram channel close to the group, shows triumphant jihadists arriving at Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa Mosque, one of Islam’s holiest sites after the defeat of Israel while waving Iran’s flag.

‘Liberating’ Al-Aqsa Mosque has been one of the fundamental slogans of the Islamic Republic’s officials over the past four decades.

The group has gone as far as providing potential recruits with the option to choose between using motorcycles or cars for their deployments to Israel…” Read more.

A Closer Look At Revelation 6 And The ‘Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse’ – “In Revelation 6:8, John describes the ‘fourth horseman’ as being ‘chl?ros’, which translates literally as ‘green.’ … Green is the official color of Islam, and this green ‘fourth horseman’ is described as having power over the fourth part of the earth. It is no coincidence that today Islam now has dominion over a fourth part of the earth. The ‘fourth horseman’ … kills with ‘death’, and the love of death and martyrdom for the cause of Allah permeates Islamic culture to the point where Islamists will even openly declare that they ‘love death more than you love life.’ … If Antichrist is a man, we can be certain that he is now on the verge of being revealed. If Antichrist is a system, it is already here.” Read more.

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