Kamala Harris Posts AI-Generated Letter From “Tucker” As Fact

Current Vice President and Presidental Candidate Kamala Harris took to X (formerly Twitter) to post a picture of a handwritten note from “Tucker” thanking her for work on the “White House Office of Gun Violence.” It seems to imply that Tucker Carlson wrote the letter, but even though someone copied it by hand, AI detectors call the language in the note AI-generated.

“Tucker, thank you for writing to me,” Harris wrote. “ While we may not agree on every issue, we both know that every person in our nation should have the freedom to live safe from gun violence. The majority of Americans stand with us in support of commonsense gun safety legislation.”

The letter claims to be a conservative that disagrees with many things that the Biden administration has done but agrees with the White House efforts to establish “common sense gun safety laws.” The letter is full of anti-gun talking points from someone who believes “owning firearms is every American’s Constitutional right.” The AI chatbot calls for age restrictions, universal background checks, and mental health screenings to exercise a natural right. These requirements would most likely fail the Bruen standard.

The letter reads:

Vice President Harris,

One of my absolute favorite things in America is how people of different backgrounds and beliefs have the freedom to communicate with each other. We are so blessed to live in a country where the greatest currency is the free-flowing exchange of ideas. In America, we are blessed with the ability to come together on common ground.

In the spirit of establishing common ground, even though I am fairly conservative and we may have our disagreements, I am writing to express my gratitude for yours and President Biden’s efforts to establish common sense gun safety laws. Owning firearms is every American’s Constitutional right. Like all things, there needs to be reasonable regulation like age restrictions, background checks, and mental health screenings. Thank you for heading the White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention and for years and President Biden’s push for common sense gun safety laws. I look forward to seeing what the Biden-Harris administration accomplishes in this regard.

All the best and God bless.


Tucker Carlson laughed off the accusation that he would support such gun laws. Mr. Carlson is a gun owner who every day carries a Sig P365 and has vehemently opposed anti-gun laws. It was obvious to Carlson what Harris was trying to do when posting the letter. A closer look at the writer’s signature would further prove that Carlson didn’t write the letter.

“Ha! Seriously? I’m carrying a gun right now, as I always do,” Carlson responded. “There are few things I hate more than the Democratic Party’s attempt to disarm the American population. That’s what dictatorships do.”

“People actually think I sent a handwritten letter to Kamala Harris endorsing gun confiscation,” Carlson continued. “That’s moronic.”

Mr. Carlson would then post an AI-generated letter of his own from Harris, complete with hearts dotting her letters. In the letter, Harris is eviscerated for her support of open borders and other issues. It was signed with “OXOX” and a heart with an arrow through it.

The confusion around that AI letter is much more concerning than just the AI-produced propaganda. Although she is taking a victory lap from receiving a letter from a fake conservative cheering on her attempt to strip gun owners of the right to bear arms, many are more concerned about her making the post on Twitter and what that holds for our country.

Did Harris know she was posting an AI-generated letter? Many would quickly assume she knew the letter wasn’t genuine, but history has shown that she doesn’t understand technology. Recently, she believed the “cloud” was literally clouds above our heads where data is stored instead of massive data centers full of servers. The lack of understanding of technology is terrifying. The fact that no one around her realized the letter was AI-generated is concerning.

Many wonder how she will handle our technology war with China if she doesn’t understand tech and doesn’t have tech advisors. Her opponent, Donald Trump, has arguably the most extraordinary living mind in tech to advise him, Elon Musk. Harris has lost the support of most of Silicon Valley in recent months. Even Mark Zuckerburg regrets working with the White House. If she doesn’t have tech advisors, how will we maintain our top position in the world for technologies such as AI?

The anti-gun propaganda is scary, but the lack of tech advisors to tell her the letter was fake is even more frightening.

About John Crump

Mr. Crump is an NRA instructor and a constitutional activist. John has written about firearms, interviewed people from all walks of life, and on the Constitution. John lives in Northern Virginia with his wife and sons, follow him on X at @crumpyss, or at www.crumpy.com.

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