Kuwaiti Islamic Scholar: The Prophet Muhammad Promised Us That Muslims Would Rule The World

> Radical Islam > Kuwaiti Islamic Scholar: The Prophet Muhammad Promised Us That Muslims Would Rule The World

Kuwaiti Islamic Scholar: The Prophet Muhammad Promised Us That Muslims Would Rule The World

According to the Qur’an, “Allah” promised to kill Mohammed by severing his aorta if Mohammed ever invented false revelations. Interestingly, some of the famous last words spoken by the “prophet” of Islam before his slow and painful death was that he could feel his aorta being severed. Only a willfully deluded fool would today believe the “prophetic” promises of a megalomaniacal warlord whose entire modus operandi was rooted in fabrications and deceptions, a man who himself agonizingly died in precisely the manner his own “revelations” said a false prophet would surely die …

See: Muhammad’s False Prophecies
See: Will Antichrist Rule The Whole World?
See: 50 Reasons Why Islam’s Mohammad Was Not A Prophet
See: Taqiyya: Qur’an Sanctioned Deceit To Promote Islam As A “Religion Of Peace”

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