Liars From The Beginning: Palestinian Authority Falsely Claims Oct. 7th Massacre Committed By Israel, NOT Hamas

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu denounced the claim as “preposterous.” That’s an understatement. Like the Pharisees of old, the Palestinians are influenced by the same demonic spirit of murder and deceit. What else can we expect from Palestinian “leadership” whose entire religious and political existence is based upon nothing but unadulterated lies? …

See: Truth Truth About Deception, Lying And Taqiyya In Islam
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Times of Israel – “The Palestinian Authority falsely claimed Sunday that a preliminary investigation by the Israel Police has revealed that the Israel Defense Forces was responsible for the death of all 364 partygoers near Kibbutz Re’im during Hamas’s October 7 onslaught, drawing fierce denunciation from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Opposition Leader Yair Lapid.

In a statement by its foreign ministry which has since been deleted from its social media accounts — but which Hebrew media said was sent as a document to diplomats and to the United Nations — Ramallah asserted that Israeli helicopters bombed Israeli civilians on October 7 during the Supernova music festival…

The PA, in its statement, also claimed that Israel then ‘fabricated’ media material to justify its offensive against the Hamas terror group in the Gaza Strip…

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu slammed the Palestinian Authority for its falsehood, calling the statement ‘utterly preposterous.’

‘It denied that it was Hamas that carried out the horrible massacre at the nature festival near Gaza,’ Netanyahu said in a video statement released on Sunday in Hebrew and English. ‘It actually accused Israel of carrying out that massacre. This is a complete reversal of truth.’

Netanyahu said that PA President Mahmoud Abbas, ‘who in the past has denied the existence of the Holocaust, today is denying the existence of the Hamas massacre and that’s unacceptable.’” Read more.

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