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  1. 3

    so glad i’m a sahm with nothing to do!!!! NOT!!!! you can do long term food storage in a weekend and continue to add to your supply. Yeap you might have to give up a few tailgating parties or trips to the shopping mall.? Believe me it’s well worth the savings and peace of mind.

  2. 4

    Yes. As? the oxygen is absorbed, the bag will contract to conform to the food inside. You have to press out as much air as possible, but the oxygen absorbers will do the rest of the work. Mylar bags aren’t like the vacuum bags you buy at the store. Those vacuum bags have little channels to let the air move from the back of the bag to the seal. The Mylar bag will only collapse right where the vacuum enters. And those large bags aren’t food grade and won’t keep out light.

  3. 5

    Do these oxygene absorbers create a vacum within the bag?
    If not, cant you just use those bags that you remove air from? using a vacuum cleaner?

  4. 6

    You can’t just store the food in #2 HDPE buckets, because oxygen will get through. You seal the food in mylar bags with oxygen? absorbers. The buckets just keep the bags intact (insects, rats, damage, etc.).

  5. 8
    Ike Turner

    Great advice. BUT, don’t forget that when you store rice, use imported rice (Thailand is best) because of high arsenic levels in U.S. grown rice. Also, inside the mylar bag with the rice, put in some small ziplock bags containing iodized sea salt. Do an experiment. Cook some rice without any salt. Then try to eat it. You will spew it out of your mouth. So store salt with rice. For long term storage (20 years), use a vaccum cleaner to suck the oxygen out of the bag, then seal it? with an iron.

  6. 11
    Carol Dickinson

    Besides food, water and shelter… there is a need? for gasoline-free quiet portable? Solar Generators for Energy… to run small or larger Refrigerators, Lamps, Fans, etc… OffTheGridSurvivalProduc­ts . com

  7. 15

    A LOAF , 1 pack of bread? in Canada is 3 dollars 🙁 its crazy how expensive food is now. I literally remember when a loaf of about 20 slices of bread was 50 CENTS

  8. 17
    mary frenette

    That was incredibly judgemental and stereotyping. Just because a woman stays at home does not make her lazy. Raising children is very hard work and unless you are a lazy pig who never cleans then the cleaning and cooking and running errands on top of children is hard work! My mom was a stay at home mom and she did not sit still for one moment. She did everything for us. So keep your nasty? stereotypes to yourself.

  9. 18

    Good job Tess! Thanks for posting. Have you ever cooked your rice and beans and then dehydrate and then vacuum seal? I? have been doing this process this week for a ready-to-eat process. Then all I need to do is add hot water and rehydrate. What are your thoughts? Anthony.

  10. 19

    If CrowsNest2012 has actually been BOTH a SAHM and a ‘working woman’ then she would KNOW that a TRUE SAHM? mom IS NOT lazy, maybe it was just her:) (Read her statement again, she herself said that she was “a lazy nonworking stay at home mom” before she went back to work!) Apparently, she didn’t know how to do THAT right!

  11. 20
    Zainab Raazi

    I think calling a SAHM lazy is by no means fair.
    great you are a working woman? and your home chores are done by slaves. But, sadly sahm are so busy..pssst even Sunday and other national holidays are ‘not off’

  12. 22

    Allrighty then.

    As a working woman…

    I mean, I can see a stay at home mom having hours and hours of time where she has nothing else to do but seal Mylar bags…Wait? while I retrieve my eyes. They seem to have rolled under the desk.

    I’ve done both and I had WAY more free time as a “working woman” than as a lazy nonworking stay at home mom. Damn. There go my eyes again!

  13. 23

    I’m looking to wrap some bars that I’m making homemade and want to sell at a farmers market. Can anyone recommend what specific packaging I’m looking for?

    I’m across that I need a heat sealer and plastic bags similar to the ones in this video.?

  14. 24
    Doomsday Clans

    Hey fellow preppers! Sign up? for FREE on DoomsDayClans ((.))com to hook up with other preppers in your area!

  15. 25

    The fastest increase in food prices in 36 years – due to cold weather? Hardly. The last time food prices increased this fast was back in the 70’s when we had rapid inflation that almost got out of control. It’s poised to happen again – only much worse because of the crushing govt debt and insane levels of money printing. Food costs could easily spiral out of control to the point where 100{660353129f8d892044c993645a1c75194301fec6786a7f617c15adde0b0011e9} of your income isn’t enough to buy? the food needed to survive.
    That’s the real reason to stock-up.

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