Matt Damon is optimistic.: so_very_doomed — LiveJournal

New records for sea ice loss, greenhouse gas in 2012 [AFP]

Seven facts you need to know about the Arctic methane timebomb [The Guardian]

Hedges: We Must Grasp Reality to Build Effective Resistance – Pt 3 of 7 [The Real News]

It’s bleak, and I’m sorry. The climate science reports are bleak; I’m not making it up. This kind of mania for hope is really a kind of sickness because it prevents us from seeing how dire and catastrophic the situation is if we don’t radically reconfigure our relationship to each other and to the ecosystem. So of course people don’t want to hear it.

Human intelligence and the environment [International Socialist Review (Chomsky)]

A group of scientists at MIT came out with a report about a year ago describing what they called the most comprehensive modeling of the climate that had ever been done. Their conclusion, which was unreported in public media as far as I know, was that the major scientific consensus of the international commission is just way off, it’s much too optimistic; and if you add other factors that they didn’t count properly, the conclusion is much more dire. Their own conclusion was that unless we terminate use of fossil fuels almost immediately, it’s finished. We’ll never be able to overcome the consequences. That’s not part of the debate.

THE SHADOW OUR FUTURE THROWS [Ivan Illich, New Perspectives Quarterly] An interview from 1999.

US debt six times greater than declared – study [RT]

The United States has accumulated over $70 trillion in unreported debt, an amount nearly six times the declared figure, according to a new study by University of California-San Diego economics Professor James Hamilton.

‘Elysium’ delivers action, destruction and a deeper message on life [Reuters] Matt Damon is optimistic about the future.

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