My Bicycle Trip Across Canada: Day 69: St. Fucking John’s

July 5th: Jack’s Pond, NL to St. John’s NL: 150km

First 60 or so were good, but foggy and cold. Stopped at a visitor info center and ate sandwiches.


Then got coffee. Left and was listening to music. Biked for a bit and all of a sudden someone was biking beside me and talking. Tyler, with the charity Bike for Bricks, who’s cycling with two friends from Waterloo to St. John’s and then flying to Vancouver and biking back to Waterloo.


We talked for a long time. Really made the time go by fast. We all stopped together at one point. Chatted. Then when we left I booked it. Tried to go as fast as possible. The one guy Jordan caught up at one point, but then fell behind. Stopped at the St. John’s sign. So good!




Biked into town, went to George St. and ate fish and chips.



Later went to Corey’s [couchsurfer host], talked about philosophy of science, showered and headed to Trapper John’s. Got screeched in and drank with the locals.




At one point we left and chatted with this guy Guy and Tara, and some other people. Then this girl Angela, who lives above a music shop, invited us over. We went and rank and I broke an accordion. Then we left and headed to the bar with Tara and Guy. The bar stayed open for us until 6:30. I went home with Tara. Slept till 11?



About dontdontoperate

28 year old originally from Barrie, Ontario, Canada.
H.B.Sc. from UofT with a major in chemistry and a double minor in philosophy and math. M.Sc. from UofT in physiology and neuroscience.
Finished my Ph.D. in biomedical engineering at McMaster in the fall of 2013.

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