Okay – a little about me. I produce a shocking amount of earwax. I’t kinda gross but I’m used to it. I’ve tried the oils and the candles and the doctors and the drops and every homeopathic thing, but it’s just…a lot. So I get my ears professionally flushed every year or two and these wild black plugs come out and without fail the medical person performing the flush gasps or exclaims in some discrete manner and then I walk away feeling like I’m on some alien planet (and/or drugs) because I can hear every footstep and every paper crinkle and it’s like this wild world of sound that takes a couple of days to get used to. Why does this matter? Well, I ripped and edited Something’s Gotta Bleed last week, and I had my ears flushed this morning and motherfukkr this thing sounded good last week but THIS?! The fuck?! Today is an entirely new listening experience and maybe y’all should all clean yourselves before you listen to this masterpiece. NERVOUS TICK is to Buffalo what SHRINKWRAP KILLERS is to California, you’re welcome. 

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