Nevada: 16-Year-Old Converts To Islam, Develops Sudden Urge To Kill Non-Muslims

Converts to Islam often develop an insatiable urge to hate and hurt others, not to help and heal. Because the spirit that draws people to the “religion of peace” is not the same Spirit that draws people to the Prince of Peace …

See: Danish Psychologist: ‘Islam Creates Monsters’
See: Russian Dancer Converts To Islam, Trades In Boom Box For Suicide Vest
See: Mexico: Allah ‘Commands’ Convert To Islam To Kills Parents, Behead Bodies
See: UK: Convert To Islam Suddenly Compelled To Attack And ‘Kill Non-Believers’
See: USA: Convert To Islam Develops Sudden Urge To Blow Up Witchita Airport
See: Canada: Convert To Islam Attacks Two Canadian Soldiers In Quebec, Kills One
See: USA: Muslim Convert Planned To Kill Infidels In ‘Amazing’ Martyrdom Operation
See: Germany: Convert To Islam Develops Urge To Wage Jihad, Establish Islamic Caliphate
See: The Muslim Suicide Convert: ‘It’s Gotten So Bad That Converting To Islam Is Almost A Form Of Suicide’

8NewsNow – “Las Vegas police and the FBI thwarted a potential terror plot involving a 16-year-old, police said Friday.

During a news conference, Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department officials detailed an investigation into a terror threat on a social media platform. The image of the threat was shown by LVMPD officials. It read:

‘Peace be upon all brothers who see this. I am here to announce that I will be starting lone wolf operations in Las Vegas against the enemies of Allah. I ask you to make Dua for victory. I am a supporter of the Islamic State, and I will make sure the zionists in this city know it.’

The post included an ISIS flag and words in Arabic.

Police immediately initiated a multi-agency investigation, officials said, and increased security in the area. Within hours of identifying the threat, police said they were able to identify the individual responsible and his location.

Police described the suspect as a 16-year-old from Las Vegas who was a recent convert to Islam.” Read more.

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