NYT Defends Fortune 500’s Global Human Exploitation

December 27, 2012 (LD) – While the US funds and arms sectarian death squads across the Arab World under the guise of “promoting democracy,” it props its own economy up on a vast network of global human exploitation. From Walmart’s sweatshop-death traps in Bangladesh, to Apple’s deplorable partnership with Taiwan’s Foxconn, millions go underpaid while overworked under dangerous, inhumane conditions to fuel America’s consumerist paradigm.Public backlash against these practices range from outrage over human exploitation (less common) to complaints that the West’s economies are suffering due to these outsourced jobs (more common). As this backlash increases, and as technology reaches a point where real viable local alternatives may soon displace large, centralized corporations, a perfect …
Article by Land Destroyer. Read entire story here.

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