Oh, For The Love Of Death: Palestinian Mothers Proud To “Ransom” All Their Children For Allah

Why do Muslim parents proudly send their sons to die for God? Because Islam teaches them that to die in the cause of Allah guarantees the salvation of souls. It is a demonic lie and we see this Satanic deception hinted at in the Book of Revelation where the prophesied “Whore of Babylon” would become “a dwelling place of demons, a prison for every foul spirit” (18:2) who exchanges the “bodies and souls of men” (18:13) like merchandise. It is therefore no surprise that those who marvel after her and the beast she rides are willing to sacrifice themselves and their children for her. But they are not just committing temporal suicide in this life. They’re committing eternal suicide in the next. God sending His Son to be the ultimate sacrifice for all is rejected and replaced with them sending their sons to be the ultimate sacrifice for God. Watch the following videos and pray today that the Holy Spirit opens eyes all across the Islamic world to save as many as possible from the darkness they are in …

Qur’an Sura 2:256a, “Let there be no compulsion in religion …”

Hold on. I, Allah, shall replace the inferior verse above from my eternal and unchanging holy Qur’an with an ever better one. (cf. Qur’an Sura 2:106)

See: Airlines Pilot Suspended For Praising Hamas Martyrdom & Slaughter Of Jews
See: Palestinian TV Calls Suicide Bombers Who Killed For Allah “Stars” In The Skies
See: Children Praise Death, “May All The Children Of Gaza Be Martyred And Go To Paradise”
See: Philadelphia: Convert Develops Sudden Urge To Perform “Amazing” Martyrdom Operation
See: Video: California Imam Laments Not Being Chosen For Death And Martyrdom Like The “Blessed” Palestinians

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