Palestinian President Denies Israel’s Existence, Fatah Official Says Hamas-Like Terror Is The Only Path To Victory

There is a reason why there will never be a peaceful “Palestinian” state alongside Israel. It is forbidden. And to the Islamist mind, true victory against Allah’s enemies is never achieved through negotiation. It is ultimately achieved through terror. Unfortunately, this is something that the willfully brainwashed “leadership” of the West is incapable of understanding …

See: PA President Abbas Applauds Call For Violent Jihad In Jerusalem
See: PA President Abbas: Palestinians Who Kill Jews Cannot Be Punished
See: PA President Abbas: We Will Never Recognize Israel As A Jewish State
See: PA President Abbas: Jewish History In Jerusalem Is A Delusional Myth
See: PA President Abbas Publicly Declares War With Israel As A Religious ‘War For Allah’

PA President Abbas: “The independence of the State of Israel… When Israel says that it is celebrating its Independence Day – what regime did it receive independence from? Who is the one who occupied the State of Israel, such that it is celebrating the fact that it got rid of this occupation? This is a big lie, a big lie. Time passed, the Palestinian revolution arose… The Palestinian narrative is being spread now everywhere in the world. We want to make it clear and to use it to debunk the colonialist Western Zionist narrative, which has been disseminated amid lies, hypocrisy, and deception… and to say that this is the Palestinian people, the Nakba exists, and there is no [Israeli] independence.” Watch the video.

Fatah Official Jamal Hweil: “The battle has been led in the occupied West Bank by Martyr leader, Hamas Political Bureau Deputy Chairman, beloved friend, extraordinary heroic leader Saleh Al-Arouri… who addressed the young people of Palestine, the young people of the West Bank, and told them: ‘You must resist with stones, Molotov cocktails, handguns, improvised [weapons], M-16 [assault rifles], with all your power’ … There is no solution or path to freedom other than the path of Saleh Al-Arouri… My brothers, we are continuing, united, and resisting until victory. Indeed, this is Jihad – victory or Martyrdom.” Watch the video.

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