Pastor: The April 8th Solar Eclipse Points To Something Big About To Soon Happen In The Islamic World “That’s Gonna Shock Us”

> Cosmic Craziness, Mass Animal Deaths, Radical Islam, Wars and Rumors of War > Pastor: The April 8th Solar Eclipse Points To Something Big About To Soon Happen In The Islamic World “That’s Gonna Shock Us”

Pastor: The April 8th Solar Eclipse Points To Something Big About To Soon Happen In The Islamic World “That’s Gonna Shock Us”

As we inch closer to the Second Coming of Christ the prophetic landscape continues to come into focus, one where an increasing number within the Body of Christ are finally beginning to recognize the Islamic nature of the last-days Beast empire foretold by the prophet Daniel and the book of Revelation. Although it is often far too easy to overhype and sensationalize signs in the sun, moon and stars by reading meaning into these events that may or may not be there, it would be prudent for us to always maintain an attitude of prayerful consideration and astronomical watchfulness as we approach the Day of Days …

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Pastor Steve Cioccolanti: “I believe that God has given America’s last warning in the skies. There have been three great eclipses — one is coming — that marks the United States out purposefully… I believe this last solar eclipse [on April 8th 2024] clearly points to Islam … Remember the green horse which pastor John saw in a vision would include death by Islam — death by a great sword. And that’s coming soon, too… something is gonna happen that’s gonna shock us.” Watch the video for more.

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