Pick Your Song – Academy of Self Defense

WOD: Pick Your Song

Ready to jam out while you work out? Today’s GRIT Workout of the Day, Pick Your Song, combines powerful strength moves with core-blasting exercises, all set to your favorite tunes. It’s a full-body workout that keeps you moving to the rhythm while building muscle and endurance. Whether you’re in the gym or at home, this WOD is adaptable to any fitness level.

Workout Breakdown:

  1. Fire Hydrant / Pulses
    Start by firing up those glutes with Fire Hydrants. Get on all fours, lift your leg to the side like a dog at a fire hydrant, and pulse at the top for an extra burn. Complete 12 reps per side before moving to the next exercise.
  2. Sumo Squats / Upright Rows
    Next, we hit the legs and shoulders. Stand with a wide stance, toes pointing outwards. Perform a sumo squat, keeping your chest up and knees aligned with your toes. As you stand, pull a weight or resistance band up to your chest for an upright row, engaging your shoulders and traps. Perform 12 reps.
  3. Crunch / Leg Lifts
    Now it’s time to torch the core. Start with 15 crunches, focusing on lifting your shoulder blades off the ground without pulling on your neck. Immediately follow up with 10 leg lifts, keeping your lower back pressed into the mat to engage your lower abs.
  4. Single Leg Glute Bridge / Pulses
    Flip over and work the glutes and hamstrings with a single-leg glute bridge. Lie on your back, one foot on the ground and the other leg extended. Lift your hips as high as possible, then pulse at the top for 10 reps. Switch legs and repeat.
  5. Suitcase Lunge / Hold
    Challenge your balance and strength with suitcase lunges. Hold a weight or kettlebell in one hand by your side, perform a lunge, and hold the lunge position for 2 seconds before pushing back up. Do 10 reps per side, focusing on keeping your core tight and posture tall.
  6. Wrestler Reachovers / Flutter Kicks
    End strong with this combo. Start with 15 wrestler reachovers: Get into a push-up position, reach one arm under and across your body as if you’re grabbing something, then return to the start. Alternate sides. Immediately follow with 20 flutter kicks, keeping your legs straight and hovering just above the ground to challenge your lower abs.

Tips for Success:

  • Mind-Muscle Connection: Focus on the muscles you’re working in each exercise. For example, feel the glutes during fire hydrants and sumo squats, and focus on the core during crunches and leg lifts.
  • Breathe: Remember to breathe through each movement, exhaling during the hardest part of the exercise. Proper breathing can help you maintain form and improve performance.
  • Adjust the Beat: Modify the intensity by adjusting the tempo of your movements to match your favorite workout playlist. Faster songs might push you to go harder, while slower ones can help with control during strength moves.

Share Your Playlist:

We want to know what songs keep you motivated during your workout! Share your favorite workout tracks and tag us @academyselfdefense to inspire others in the community.

Join the GRIT Program:

Ready for more workouts like this? Sign up for a free trial class at the Academy of Self Defense in Santa Clara and experience the energy and support of our GRIT program.

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