Probar – 12 Pack

Each PROBAR contains at least 15 whole foods that are also about 70{0e3fbd49920d66d312335c9ab31e3d7b441ff7521e58af8d4d0648ba5d548198} raw. This means you get optimal nutrient quality, undestroyed by processing. This nutrition simply cannot be duplicated with any existing technology. The superb nutrition load, found only in the PROBAR, satisfies the body?s nutrition requirements better than any other bar available. The PROBAR is also lower in protein and sodium than most bars and weighs in at a whopping 3.0 oz. per bar. So, the next time you need a delicious m

$ 53.99

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  1. 1
    T. Brophy
    21 of 21 people found the following review helpful
    5.0 out of 5 stars
    Hard to go back to the others after a Pro Bar, May 5, 2009
    T. Brophy

    Amazon Verified Purchase(What’s this?)

    I had a subscription to Odwalla’s Berries-GoMega bars until they became unavailable. So I decided to switch and try Pro Bar instead. Although they are about twice the price (just under $2.00 per bar on subscription) they have nearly twice the calories, which I hoped would make them a more substantial lunch substitute.

    After eating my first Pro Bar, I was amazed by how much more enjoyable it was than the Odwalla bars. Crunchy whole nuts and chewy dried fruit are combined in a satisfying base of grains, seeds and peanut butter, with a few chocolate chips and crisp corn flakes to make the whole thing seem just a bit decadent.

    An interesting addition of fenugreek, fennel and nutmeg create a subtle, but complex addition to the flavors I’ve come to expect from an energy/nutrition bar.

    Not too sweet, aside from the rare chocolate chip, and just salty enough to satisfy that salt craving, Pro Bar is my new favorite bar.

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  2. 2
    13 of 13 people found the following review helpful
    4.0 out of 5 stars
    probars my new favorite bar, November 25, 2010
    Bobo (san francisco) –

    Amazon Verified Purchase(What’s this?)

    So far Superfood Slam is my favorite of the four Pro Bar flavors I’ve tried (sweet and savory, art’s blend, cocoa pistachio). Cocoa pistachio gave me gas and stomach cramps for hours, and I have no food allergies.

    I’ve tried most of the bars out there, and for now, Pro Bar is my fave. It’s very filling, it’s moist, not dry, and it encourages abundant chewing which helps satiate. It HAS NO CHOCOLATE COATING, which I really like, because so many other bars taste like dressed up candy bars, and I’m long past eating candy bars for lunch or a snack. They’re not too sweet, and they have just enough savoriness to feel balanced, and feel like a meal, not dessert. Their balance of carbs, fat and protein is acceptable. No high glycemic blast, and no overly protein laden lump that barely feels like I ate anything resembing food. They travel well, there’s nothing to melt, and they’re dense so they don’t get smashed in gear bags. They’re organic and whole; they don’t taste like they were extruded from a chemical vat like some bodybuilding bars. They are sortof high in calories, but sometimes I’m fine with eating only half, and folding over its packaging and carrying it with me. Someone mentioned there’s too much packaging — I disagree in this instance, because they’re so dense that sometimes you will want to eat only half, so the larger packaging helps keep them from messing up your pocket or gearbag.

    Cons – pricey.

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  3. 3
    J. Wolfe
    5 of 5 people found the following review helpful
    5.0 out of 5 stars
    Fantastic, Healthy Treat !!, August 8, 2008
    J. Wolfe (Charlotte, NC) –

    Amazon Verified Purchase(What’s this?)

    Tried ProBar after some research and reading reviews here. Most energy/meal replacement bars have so much junk in them — just read the labels !

    ProBars however are full of whole / raw / real foods (and vegan too !).

    While some might scoff at approx $2 per bar, consider that most coffeeshop treats are $2+ (that’s in addition to your $4 latte) offer little or no nutritional value, and sugar-based so you will soon crash after your blood sugar spikes. $2 for a Probar gets you something nutritionally tangible.

    ProBars are delicious — I have tried both Koka Moka and Cran-Lemon Twister (both are terrific !).

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