Report: Hezbollah Inviting Terrorists Around The World To Join New Hamas “Vanguards Of The Al-Aqsa Flood” Terror Org In Lebanon To “Liberate” Jerusalem

Let’s see where this goes. Sounds like they’re already anticipating a serious injury to Hamas and its leadership in Gaza and are proactively working to bandage the head and heal its mortal wound …

Gatestone Institute – “On December 4, the Iran-backed Palestinian terror group Hamas announced the establishment of a new terrorist group in Lebanon with the goal of ‘liberating Jerusalem and the Al-Aqsa Mosque.’ In the past two months, Hamas terrorists in Lebanon have carried out rocket attacks on Israeli soldiers and civilians in northern Israel.

Hamas has called on the Palestinians living in Lebanon to join the group, ‘Vanguards of the Al-Aqsa Flood,’ the name it chose for its barbaric invasion of Israeli communities near the border with the Gaza Strip on October 7, when it massacred 1,200 Israelis and abducted 240 others to the Gaza Strip.

Hamas, in short, is saying that it is planning a similar invasion of Israel, but this time from Lebanon.

The announcement has drawn sharp criticism from many Lebanese, who fear that the Palestinian terror group and its patrons in Tehran are seeking to drag Lebanon into a destructive war with Israel…

Geagea pointed out that the Hamas decision to establish the new terror group in Lebanon could not have been taken without the approval of Iran’s Lebanese proxy, Hezbollah. ‘It is well-established that Hamas and other organizations in Lebanon are subject to the command and decision of Hezbollah,’ he said. ‘It is next to impossible for them to carry out any military action without the knowledge and approval of the party [Hezbollah]. There is no possibility for Hamas to issue such a statement had it not been for Hezbollah’s actual signature on it.’ …

Lebanese journalist Tony Bouloss warned that Hamas’s intention is to establish a new terror group in Lebanon that could plunge the country into a civil war and turn it into ‘Hamas Land.’

Bouloss called on the Lebanese authorities to expel the leaders of Hamas from Lebanon ‘and protect the Lebanese people from bringing Israeli destruction into our country.’ He added: ‘Hezbollah wants to turn Lebanon into a new Afghanistan, attracting all terrorist organizations in the world so that Lebanon becomes an alternative homeland for rogue groups.’ …

It is worth noting that in recent years, several senior Hamas leaders, including Saleh al-Arouri, have moved to Lebanon. Al-Arouri and his friends are in charge of coordination between Hamas and Hezbollah. According to some reports, Hezbollah recently permitted the deployment of 400 Palestinians affiliated with Hamas along the border with Israel. The coordination between the two terror groups is taking place under the direct supervision of their masters in Iran” Read more.

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