Report: Israeli Airstrike In Syria Kills Nearly A Dozen Senior Iranian Military Officials

With a high-ranking Iranian official killed just a few days ago and a recent admission by former Israeli PM Bennett that he twice ordered the IDF to strike inside Iranian territory in 2021-22, Iran will not take these developments sitting down. Oh, silly me. The Iranians already have bloody hands and “feet that are quick to rush into evil” anyway. Now they’ll just quicken the pace to get blood up to their elbows. Expect the Ayatollah’s to be pushing Hezbollah and the Houthis hard to unleash the minions of hell against Israel …

Fox News – “An Israeli airstrike on the Damascus airport has reportedly killed nearly a dozen senior Iranian military officials, which one expert told Fox News Digital would prove Israel’s ability to maintain a multi-faceted defense of the region.

‘While there is no independent confirmation of Guard Corps names or ranks, the IRGC has long seen Syria as a critical regional hub to project power into the Eastern Mediterranean and connect its constellation of proxies called the ‘Axis of Resistance,’’ Behnam Ben Taleblu, a senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, said.

‘It should come as a shock to no one that Guard Corps elite are operating there, especially amid a regional war, which they are directing far away from their own soil,’ he added.

‘Similarly, should the strike be independently verified, it would be more proof of Israel being able to hold back and deter elements of the Axis of Resistance in other geographies while fighting to defeat Hamas in Gaza,’ Taleblu stressed.

Syrian media claimed that Israel had targeted sites in southern Syria and near Damascus in waves that aimed to disrupt and Iran’s operations in the country.

A report from The Jerusalem Post claimed the strike killed 11 leaders of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) at the airport on Thursday night.

The IRGC leadership targeted also reportedly included Nur Rashid, the commander of the Revolutionary Guards in eastern Syria, who only suffered injuries from the attack.” Read more.

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