Robert Spencer: Muslims Wouldn’t Bomb Muhammad’s City, Would They? Sure They Would.

The “Religion of Peace.” It substitutes the Bible with the Qur’an — the word of God with the corruption of men. It substitutes Isaac with Ishmael — the son of Promise with the son of misery. It substitutes the Messiah with Mohammed — the Prince of Life with the prophet of death. It substitutes the Church with the Ummah — the Bride of Christ with the Whore of Babylon. It substitutes Almighty Yahweh with “Allah is greater — the Creator of man with the Destroyer of souls. What is holy has become profane and what is profane has become holy. Is it any wonder, then, to see the Islamic world in shambles and filled with so much sorrow and strife?

The article below by Robert Spencer ties in nicely with yesterday’s post that briefly touches upon why we’re seeing Muslims themselves becoming increasingly bigoted and violent against other fellow Muslims …

Isaiah 5:20, “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”

Genesis 6:11b-12, “‘You shall name him Ishmael, for the LORD has heard of your misery. He will be a wild donkey of a man; his hand will be against everyone and everyone’s hand against him, and he will live in hostility toward all his brothers.’”

Sunni vs Shia, Radical vs Not-Radical-Enough

By Robert Spencer, Jihad Watch – “The Islamic State (ISIS) attack in Medina shows once and for all that ISIS is not Islamic, right? After all, how could a Muslim group, much less a self-styled ‘caliphate,’ set off a bomb in the city of Muhammad himself? That proves that ISIS has nothing to do with Islam, no? That’s what many Muslims would have us believe. Unfortunately, this is just more deception from practiced masters of deceit – and it’s deception that is increasingly dangerous and offensive as the jihad death count climbs ever higher.

Maher Zain, a Multi Platinum-winning singer and songwriter who is Muslim, wrote on Twitter to his 1.47 million followers: ‘Still need proof that ISIS is the foremost enemy of Islam? They attack the Prophet’s City. Terror knows no religion!’ Boxer Amir Khantweeted to his 1.75 million followers: ‘The attack in our beloved Prophet Muhammad’s city Madinah proves that Isis has no religion!’ The UK Muslim broadcaster Mohammed Shafiq wrote: ‘The attack on #Madinah was an attack against all Muslims. We need unity against this evil.’

Neither Zain nor Khan nor Shafiq nor anyone else, however, explained why this it would be out of the question for jihadis to strike in Medina. Did Muhammad command jihad warfare against unbelievers? Yes: a hadith depicts Muhammad saying: ‘Fight against those who disbelieve in Allah. Make a holy war…When you meet your enemies who are polytheists, invite them to three courses of action. If they respond to any one of these you also accept it and withhold yourself from doing them any harm. Invite them to (accept) Islam; if they respond to you, accept it from them and desist from fighting against them…. If they refuse to accept Islam, demand from them the Jizya. If they agree to pay, accept it from them and hold off your hands. If they refuse to pay the tax, seek Allah’s help and fight them. (Sahih Muslim 4294)

In commanding this, did Muhammad forbid jihad against unbelievers in his city? He did not. But of course, in Medina there are only Muslims, no? And the Qur’an forbids Muslims to kill other Muslims (4:92). But Islam also mandates death for those who are considered heretics and apostates – and the Islamic State, in claiming to be the caliphate, the one true government to which all Muslims owe allegiance, and in demanding the obedience of all Muslims worldwide, has placed itself in the position of considering any Muslims who reject its authority to be heretical by virtue of that very rejection, and therefore worthy of death.

That is all the more true regarding governments of Muslim states that do not accept the caliphate. The Islamic State regards the House of Saud as illegitimate, and therefore to undermine it is a holy act.” Read more.

Flashback: Hurriyet Daily News: With 10 Million Muslims Killed Since 1948 at the Hands of Fellow Muslims, Golda Meir Was Right – “Let’s speak of facts. Sudan is not in the conventional Middle East, so let’s ignore the genocide there. Let’s ignore, also, the West Pakistani massacres in East Pakistan (Bangladesh) totaling 1.25 million in 1971. Or 200,000 deaths in Algeria in war between Islamists and the government in 1991-2006. But a simple, strictly Middle East research will give you one million deaths in the all-Muslim Iran-Iraq war; 300,000 Muslim minorities killed by Saddam Hussein; 80,000 Iranians killed during the Islamic revolution; 25,000 deaths in 1970-71, the days of Black September, by the Jordanian government in its fight against the Palestinians; and 20,000 Islamists killed in 1982 by the elder al-Assad in Hama. The World Health Organization’s estimate of Osama bin Laden’s carnage in Iraq was already 150,000 a few years earlier. In a 2007 research, Gunnar Heinsohn from the University of Bremen and Daniel Pipes, director of the Middle East Forum, found out that some 11 million Muslims have been violently killed since 1948, of which 35,000, (0.3 percent) died during the six years of Arab war against Israel, or one out of every 315 fatalities. In contrast, over 90 percent who perished were killed by fellow Muslims.” Read more.

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