Rumors Of War: Iran Expected To Attack Israel Directly Within Next 48 Hours

Is the Beast ready to bite again? Would any potential attack only be against Israeli interests abroad or on Israeli soil? The world’s only Jewish state has been attacked multiple times before and with superior numbers, yet Israel has recovered from war each time and stands stronger than ever. I’d be surprised if Iran was confident enough to attack Israel directly, absent a military pact with other like-minded miscreants in Turkey and elsewhere. They’d be digging their own grave. Then again, Iran has been digging itself into a huge hole for quite some time while convincing themselves it’ll be a mass grave for Jews. Why stop now? …

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The Jerusalem Post – “Iran is expected to attack Israel between the next 24 to 48 hours, with an exclusive Thursday report by the Wall Street Journal saying that the Jewish state is ‘preparing for a direct attack’ on the north or south of the country.

The report cited an individual who was briefed by Iranian regime leadership stated, ‘no final decision has been made’ as attack plans have been discussed.

The attack is in response to the alleged Israeli strike on the Iranian consulate in Damascus, Syria, which killed several members of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps’ Quds Force. Tehran then publicly threatened to respond to the attack.

A previous Wednesday report from Bloomberg, citing US intelligence reports, said that the US and allies predicted that an Iranian attack on Israel ‘could be imminent.’ However, the WSJ cited a source saying that the attack could be ‘within Israel’s borders.’” Read more.

U.S. Issues Travel Warning For Israel With Iran Attack Believed To Be Imminent And Fear Gaza War Could Spread – “Israel is bracing for a worst-case scenario that U.S. officials believe could materialize within just hours — the possibility of a direct attack on Israeli soil … possibly to include more than 100 drones and dozens of missiles aimed at military targets inside the country… If they decide to carry out a direct attack on Israel, there’s fear it could blow Israel’s ongoing war against Iranian ally Hamas up into a much wider regional conflict… ‘Whoever harms us, we will harm them,’ Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed Thursday as he visited troops at an Israel Defense Forces airbase. ‘We are prepared… both defensively and offensively.’” Read more.

Israel Bracing For Unprecedented Direct Iran Attack In Days – “Israel is bracing for a direct and unprecedented attack by Iran on government targets as soon as Saturday, according to people familiar with western intelligence assessments, a move that has the potential to trigger an all-out regional war. An assault from Iranian soil has emerged as one of the main scenarios expected by the Jewish state and its allies … One of the people said it’s possible that the increasingly inflammatory rhetoric between Israel, Iran, and the US could be grandstanding, but said the working assumption for Israel and allies is that an attack is imminent.” Read more.

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