SABRE RED Pepper Spray Home & Away Protection Kit

Often consumers make the mistake of purchasing a pepper spray only thinking of their safety when away from their home. As assaults and burglaries increase, safety becomes an issue when both at home and away. Each SABRE Protection Kit is equipped with two (2) self-defense sprays, a home unit and key chain case. The home unit features a glow-in-the-dark safety and a wall mount clip to keep out of the reach of children. SABRE’s most popular product addresses the “Away” need with its black key

$ 13.90

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  1. 1
    40 of 40 people found the following review helpful
    4.0 out of 5 stars
    Sabre Red Max Strength Home & Away Pepper Spray combo, June 19, 2011
    DanAMA MCLE (Midwest, U.S.A.) –

    Amazon Verified Purchase(What’s this?)
    This review is from: SABRE RED Pepper Spray Home & Away Protection Kit (Sports)

    First things first, Sabre may be touted as one of the best OC sprays out there (“NYPD Carries Sabre”), but their labling & their web site suck! Neither will tell you what Sabre Red Maximum Strength means (what is the OC percentage?), & both are sparse on actual product details.

    That said, here’s what I have: 1 package (part no. SRU-HAPK) containing 2 canisters of Maxiumum Strength Sabre Red – 1 is the ‘Home’ Red Pepper Foam labeled as a ’70 gram’ unit (only indicated on the canister) that has a glow-in-the-dark nozzle/trigger, & a surface-mount clip to hold the unit – 1 is an ‘Away’ key-chain container of unknown size that DOES NOT CONTAIN A POCKET CLIP on the side as indicated in the images (I think that Sabre changed the design), but does have the key rings with the quick-disconnect clip. The Sabre Red web site indicates that the SRU-HAPK kit contains a 2.5 oz. ‘Home’ container offering approximately 15 shots, & the ‘Away’ keychain container is .54 oz & offers up to 25 shots – I assume that a shot is 1 second of spray, but don’t quote me on it.

    The ‘Home’ unit sprays a foam stream approximately 8-10 feet per my test & is a contact product that requires eye/nose contact to work. The slide lock on the spray trigger is easy to spin for use, in spite of a friction nipple to hold it in the safe position. However, it does seem to offer enough protection against accidental discharge for its intended use.

    The keychain ‘Away’ unit shoots a ballistic stream spray which dispenses in a squirt gun type stream, allowing for close-quarter use without the worry of blow-back (other than splatter). The keychain spray shoots at least 10-12 feet per my test, & this is a contact product as well. The slide lock on the spray trigger does catch on a small nipple which seems to hold the trigger in the safe position decently – I’ve carried it in my pocket for a month now & it stays put.

    I did not apply any of the product to myself to test its effectiveness, but you can view plenty of web videos of people testing it on themselves & others to give you an idea. Both canisters have expiration dates of at least 4 years in the future, which indicates that they are as fresh as can be (that’s the life expectancy of Sabre Red products). My test sprays were about 1/2 second a piece, just enough to let me know what to expect if I should ever have to use them & I will test them about once a year to be sure they’re still working. With an approxiamate 15-25 shots available from the respective containers, I feel that this will not compromise the product’s ability to work when needed.

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  2. 2
    C. F. Hill "CFH"
    70 of 75 people found the following review helpful
    4.0 out of 5 stars
    Some Peace of Mind – Recommended, April 7, 2010
    C. F. Hill “CFH” (South-Central, PA USA) –

    Amazon Verified Purchase(What’s this?)
    This review is from: SABRE RED Pepper Spray Home & Away Protection Kit (Sports)

    We bought this SABRE Pepper Spray for use in our retail shop since my mother, wife, or daughter are often running the cash register by themselves. This set has two canisters, one large unit and one key ring sized unit. Here are my observations:

    Large (“Home”) Sized Canister:

    Likes –
    + Large size feels good in the hand
    + Wall mount allows for convenient placing in the house or shop

    Dislikes –
    – Has limited shelf life, mine “expires” in March 2014 (4 years out)

    Key Ring (“Away”) Sized Canister:

    Likes –
    + Main Unit is perfect sized for the hand
    + BeltStrap Clip is well designed so it is not likely to snag
    + Quick Release Key Ring works as expected and allows for detaching the Pepper Spray when needed

    Dislikes –
    – While the activation plunger must be twisted to use, I am not positive that it can’t be positioned by accident
    – Has limited shelf life, mine “expires” in March 2014 (4 years out)

    We feel better having these, but we still stress the importance of avoiding situations where it could be needed.



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  3. 3
    Brian Ames
    26 of 26 people found the following review helpful
    4.0 out of 5 stars
    SABRE Pepper Spray, August 13, 2010
    Brian Ames (CT) –

    Amazon Verified Purchase(What’s this?)
    This review is from: SABRE RED Pepper Spray Home & Away Protection Kit (Sports)

    This is a pretty good product. The two things that I don’t like about it are;
    1) Like others have said, the plastic locking latch on the pocket model doesn’t seem very secure, like others have said. I’d be worried it would get rubbed the wrong way and go off.

    2) Unlike other sprays, this is only 2{660353129f8d892044c993645a1c75194301fec6786a7f617c15adde0b0011e9} OC. It isn’t a big deal, since it’ll still hurt a whole lot.

    Overall, a good product for a fair price.

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