Scotland: “Deeply-Religious-But-No-Fanatic” Friendly Muslim Kills Not-As-Deeply-Religious Friendly Muslim For “Disrespecting” The Prophet Mohammed

It seems like everybody is considered friendly and nice … until they’re not. The article below highlights the self-destructive nature of Islam. If it had ever managed to kill every last “infidel” on the face of the earth as its teachings mandate, it would then cause Muslims to turn against each other until “no one would survive” (Matthew 24:22) …

Qur’an Sura 33:57, 61, “Lo! those who malign Allah and His messenger, Allah hath cursed them in this world and the Hereafter, and hath prepared for them the doom of the disdained … Accursed, they will be seized wherever found and slain with a (fierce) slaughter.”

Just a normal guy who smelled nice.

By Steve Wright, The Telegraph & Argus – “A BRADFORD cab driver, who yesterday admitted murdering a shopkeeper after driving to Glasgow to confront him, was described by a former work colleague as deeply religious but not fanatical.

Tanveer Ahmed, 32, of Toller, pleaded guilty at the High Court in Glasgow to murdering popular businessman Asad Shah, who died after he was found with stab wounds outside his shop.

The court heard that Ahmed, a Sunni Muslim, drove from Bradford to Glasgow on March 24 believing that Mr Shah, 40, had ‘disrespected’ the Prophet Muhammad.

On the way he had watched online footage of Mr Shah, an Ahmadi Muslim, and commented: ‘Something needs to be done, it needs nipped in the bud.’

When Ahmed arrived at his victim’s shop he engaged him in a discussion, before pulling out a knife and attacking him.

Assistant Chief Constable Steve Johnson, of Police Scotland, said the murder of Mr Shah – a peaceful family man, hardworking businessman and well-loved member of the community – was ‘the result of an extreme act of violence; an attack which was concluded within the space of four minutes.’

ACC Johnson added: ‘It is clear that the actions of Tanveer Ahmed were motivated by his religious beliefs.’

The senior investigating officer, Detective Chief Inspector Jim Smith, said they had worked closely with West Yorkshire Police to understand the full background to Tanveer Ahmed and his reason for travelling to Glasgow on the night of Mr Shah’s murder…

A former colleague, who worked with Ahmed at a Bradford minicab firm, said: ‘He was just a normal guy. I was shocked when I found out it was him.

‘When I worked with him he was a big, friendly giant. He never raised his voice, he didn’t look threatening.The other drivers never had a disagreement with him.

‘He used to come in to work looking clean and fresh and smelling nice. He was probably the last person in the whole office you would have expected to do something like this.

‘He was a decent guy. He was deeply religious, but not fanatical….’” Read more.


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