Self Sufficiency in the Next Generation

So my daughter has found the man she wants to be with and moved in with him last year. He asked her to marry him before the pandemic and she said yes….and then it all happened and everything got put on hold until they can actually make plans for the wedding again.
Anyway, we are slowly getting to know him more. My first suspicion that he was into self sufficiency was when he put up a shelf in their kitchen and bought grow lights (keep in mind they live in a townhouse with a tiny 5 ft back yard) and he was growing plants….and vegetables.
He has a 3D printer and made pots for his plants with it (he likes to make more useful than decorative things with it).
Then he got bees. No he didn’t put them in that 5ft back yard but on some property that his parents have (where they go shooting–yup). Yesterday for Mother’s Day they brought me some of the first honey. It is some wonderful stuff. Such a nicely flavored honey!
They also brought me some plants, pepper and potato, and then this wonderful self watering pot that he printed.
I am not just bragging here but trying to make the point that these young people with the phones stuck to their faces aren’t all just wasting time, some of them are learning how to be self sufficient and then they are going to take self sufficiency to the next step.

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