Senior Iranian Official: The Only Way To Save Humanity Is To Annihilate Israel (Video)

> Radical Islam, Wars and Rumors of War > Senior Iranian Official: The Only Way To Save Humanity Is To Annihilate Israel (Video)

Senior Iranian Official: The Only Way To Save Humanity Is To Annihilate Israel (Video)

It’s amazing what Islam can do to the human brain. And not in a good way. History will attest to the fact that Islam is the greatest murder machine in human history. “The enormity of the slaughters of the ‘religion of peace’ are so far beyond comprehension that even honest historians overlook the scale” (Mike Konrad, American Thinker, 5/31/2014). Yet, in the darkest reaches of some green-pilled Twilight Zone, Israel — a nation that has more Nobel Prizes per capita than Germany, the United States & France and has more laureates than India, China and Spain — is somehow the number one threat to humanity. Jewish citizens who are in lock-step with the freedoms of the democracy of Israel have contributed to the fields of literature, economics, chemistry, mathematics, biology, physics, peace and so much more. But Iranians who are in lock-step with the suppressions of the theocracy of the Ayatollahs have contributed to nothing but the fields of battle. Who is the real threat here? …

See: Iran: For Peace And Safety Israel Must Be Destroyed
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See: Iran: World Must Annihilate Israel To ‘Solve All The World’s Problems’
See: Iran: Spiritual Leaders Declare Nuclear Weapons Lawful Under The Sharia
See: Iran: ‘Our Hands Are On The Trigger’ To Destroy Israel As Soon As We Receive The Order
See: Iran: We Are Prepared For A Decisive War Against America & Israel And Have Been ‘Making Plans’

Senior Iranian Official Ali Aghamohammadi (IRINN TV Iran, 12/27/2023): “The annihilation of Israel is a preemptive act. This is the only way to save humanity – just like the annihilation of ISIS was an imperative. Mr. Soleimani performed this duty very well… there is no other way to protect humanity, and they must be annihilated. And this will happen…. In all certainty, the people in Hizbullah, Ansar Allah, and Palestine and all the fighters of the Islamic world, will avenge his death.” Watch the video for more.

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